
  1. Michelle Robinson Work At Home Edu

    Here we go again. The Michelle Robinson Work At Home Edu program is yet another program that uses a banner that has nothing to do with the actual program being promoted.

    There are plenty of other reasons you might want to avoid the Work At Home Edu program as well. You can read about those at this page:
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  2. Amanda Jones Online Income Program

    Here's yet another site using the fake "Amanda Jones" as its spokesperson. This time it was being promoted by the fake news site WSPosts which claims to be "Your source for smarter living".

    Clearly a fake news site promoting the Amanda Jones Online Income Program is anything but a source for smarter living.

    The site at Online-Income-Program.com is using the same fake testimonials and stock photos that hundreds of other work at home scam sites have
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    Tags: fake, legit, real, scam, true Add / Edit Tags
  3. Bobbie Robinson Work At Home Institute

    Wow. It's hard to believe this one is still around. If you're not familiar with the Bobbie Robinson Work At Home Institute course, it's an extremely questionable "work at home" program that has been promoted by numerous fake news sites such as "Best Home Jobs" and Daily Consumer Tips (usually featuring fake reporters).

    If you want to see why you should avoid Bobbie Robinson's Work At Home Institute, you may want to read the following warning about it:
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    Updated 07-20-2014 at 09:31 PM by JustTooMuchTime

  4. Angela Bussio Direct Online Income

    I came across a fake news site today promoting what it claimed was Angela Bussio's Direct Online Income. However, as far as I can tell Angela Bussio isn't involved with Direct Online Income.

    However, the fact that Angela Bussio's name is on the fake news site is a huge red flag, because fake news sites have used Angela Bussio's name in the past to promote highly questionable opportunities that were very similar to Direct Online Income. In fact, if you want to find out why you should
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  5. Amanda Jones Direct Online Online Income

    I noticed the Amanda Jones Direct Online Income program popup recently on one of the tools I use to monitor various fake news sites. Obviously, since it was being promoted by a fake news site, that was a huge red flag.

    Amanda Jones is of course a fake name made up to promote the highly questionable Direct Online Income program. If you want to understand why I think you should avoid the program, you may want to take a look at this page:

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