
If we lost everything who would survive

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The Day After The Change

This marks the first day after the world has changed and everything is as it was before. The only difference is there is no electricity and our vehicles have stopped running. What could have done this? I remember hearing on the news about Solar Flares that would wipe out all power grids. I took it with a grain of salt, continuing to enjoy my xbox 360 and 52 inch Big screen television. That is what I did to past the time and it worked like a charm.

What happened to me today is something I would have never dreamed possible. It was quiet in the night time but as it turned to morning everybody was outside talking about what had happened. The guy who lived up the street, the one that they called a conspiracy theorist, was the only one on the whole street who was prepared. He boarded his home, secured his crops, and had food and water stored for years. Now the man who was ignored, the one no one cared for, is now a number one target for vultures on our block.

Time Has Passed And Now We Are Running Low
A month has passed, our resources are getting very low and crime has spiked to an all time high. Murder is not an after thought in people's minds anymore. It’s kill or be killed. Everyone is out for themselves. As of result, I am relocating to a place far in the forest. A place where I can get away from the madness that has taken people by storm. I feel like **** knowing I let my family down. I was suppose to keep them safe and sound. As a father and a husband, I should have learned survival skills and ways to protect what’s mine. But like most of America, I sat back and did not heed the warnings that soon became reality. Now I regret being mind controlled by technology. See, you never think that something so devastating could happen to you. I understand that things in our life can get a little out of control from time to time. However, I would have never thought things would go to hell in this way. Well, I was wrong. Now I have to learn quick, or I will become them like them. People full of hate, lies, and thievery.

Creating Weapons For Suvival

The hardest thing about finding resources for weapons is changing your mindset from the 21st century to primitive thinking. Think like a caveman, every bush branch and stone could be a weapon for survival. A knife is going to be your most important weapon in these times. A knife offers invaluable service in survival situations. I learned how to create my weapons from an elderly man who lives on the river with his two dogs. He was very kind, and had given me and my family shelter whilst on our journey through the forest. I am very thankful for the care and direction he gave to me and my family. Here’s a couple tips I learned from him that are truly helpful:

Core rock: A large stone with a relatively flat side will become the actual blade. W*et it to speed up the shaping process.
Hammer stone: a large, smooth rock used to chip away the blade shape from the core.
Pressure flaker: an antler tip or rock with a sharp point for refining the blade edges.If you find a large animal bone, smash it with a rock, then use one of the shards as a blade. While a bone knife works well for punctures, it won't withstand repeated use. Wooden blades are similarly weak, but you can reinforce their strength by using only straight-grained wood and drying it over a smoldering fire.

After getting my knife to where it needed to be, I started becoming familiar with things that I could use to create more weapons so I could hunt and teach my son the same. Now instead of being helpless, I am getting smarter with each day that passes. I am now becoming the father that I always should have been: a protector, a provider, and a survivalist.

It Takes A Cataclysmic Event For Change

I ask myself that question… “Why did this have to happen in order to change who I was?” The answer, I will never know and I do not think others will either. We have to really understand what it takes to be prepared for anything. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Somebody once asked me, “What if the world lost all its power grids?” As I flipped thru my Ipad, I brushed it off and simply said that will never happen to us… at least in our lifetime. LOL! I did not prepare because I did not believe in “what-ifs." All I cared about was the present. As you now know, the present can change at anytime and whatever situation you are in when this happens depends on how well you are prepared. So, prepare for the “what-ifs” and you will be far better off in your life. Remember all the celebrities and stars you look up to will be just another person when the **** hits the fan.
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  1. littleroundman's Avatar
    Adam: The end of the world is nigh.

    Eve: yep, we'd better stock up

    History: rinse, repeat
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