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  1. Angela Bussio Direct Online Income

    I came across a fake news site today promoting what it claimed was Angela Bussio's Direct Online Income. However, as far as I can tell Angela Bussio isn't involved with Direct Online Income.

    However, the fact that Angela Bussio's name is on the fake news site is a huge red flag, because fake news sites have used Angela Bussio's name in the past to promote highly questionable opportunities that were very similar to Direct Online Income. In fact, if you want to find out why you should
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  2. Amanda Jones Direct Online Online Income

    I noticed the Amanda Jones Direct Online Income program popup recently on one of the tools I use to monitor various fake news sites. Obviously, since it was being promoted by a fake news site, that was a huge red flag.

    Amanda Jones is of course a fake name made up to promote the highly questionable Direct Online Income program. If you want to understand why I think you should avoid the program, you may want to take a look at this page:
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  3. Careers At Home University Review Of Red Flags

    If you are considering Melissa Mayer's Careers At Home University, you'll be glad that you found this page. There are all kinds of odd things about the Careers@Home University site, not the least of which is the fact that Melissa Mayer can't seem to remember how to spell her own name.

    You definitely have to check this out for yourself:

    You won't believe how ridiculous it is.

    You might also
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    Updated 09-10-2014 at 11:30 PM by JustTooMuchTime

  4. Stephanie Hale Internet Cash Academy

    Put out by the same folks who put out the Stephanie Hale Constant Cash Academy.

    The Stephanie Hale Internet Cash Academy program is being run from the exact same site that a program called Online Cash Commissions was run from. You can read about that program here.

    Again, I received an email about it from an email from the "Online Workers Group". Why should that concern you? Because the Online Workers Group also promotes a program known as The A-To-Z Cash System.
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    Updated 08-24-2014 at 12:02 PM by JustTooMuchTime

  5. Stephanie Hale Constant Cash Academy

    My introduction to the Stephanie Hale Constant Cash program was an email from the "Online Workers Group". That immediately raised a red flag with me, because the Online Workers Group was most recently promoting a program called The A To Z Cash System. If you want to know why that's troublesome, click here to read about the A to Z Cash System scam.

    The Stephanie Hale Constant Cash Academy program is also being run from the same website that was running a program called Online
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