Another change before a total collapse!
Big BerryTree Changes On The Way?

May 13, 2008 by berrytreeinfo

Outstanding changes on the way to re-establish the BerryTree’s payplan and competitive nature on the internet? Sound good to you? Well, that’s the rumor, folks!
One thing is for sure: The payplan will be DIFFERENT!
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Some information was discussed and mentioned on last Saturday’s call (May 11, 2008). The founders hope to substantially increase the Bronze pool payments by contributing $5.00 per member to the pool. The contribution is currently at $2.00 per member, and as a result, we may yet see a bronze pool with values in the $100 range before the year is over.
Some people liked the original Berry “tree matrix;” and of course, others didn’t and couldn’t understand why the BT payplan wasn’t more similar to the suggested Nutronix team-shape. Well, good news for those of you who hated the 3×8, because the BerryTree is very likely switching to a BINARY payplan. So far, the leaders are considering a 2×12 matrix plan with some infinity bonuses, similar to the original Nutronix payplan.
It was also stated on the call that you’d be very wise to hang on to your current Senior Certificate if you still have one. Don’t rush anything and quickly cash it in, because the plan is about to change in your favor. However, if you have already cashed your senior certificate in, don’t sweat too hard! You can earn another one…it’s just going to require another Senior Upgrade at $500-550, which isn’t a cost you want to incur unless absolutely necessary.
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And, once again, none of these plans have been finalized. Stay tuned for more updates, as I’m sure many of us are all excited for the NEW BerryTree coming our way!
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– Ryan