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Thread: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

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    re: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

    MLM is all based on lies. This is a handful of the hundreds of posts on that thread made by those defrauded. The bottom of the pyramid see all of their money trickle up to the few at the top of the pyramid. 98% lose money in these scams by design.
    Ronnie, I think you either missed what I am saying or don’t want to address it. I know as well as anyone what kind of ride a business is. I owned and ran a small roofing and home improvement business for 25 years. Not one time did I tell a customer what a job would cost and then charged more or hired someone and did not pay them what we agreed on.
    What I am talking about is morals, ethics and honesty. If the company would have given any kind of explanation as to why they over projected the amounts of money that would be paid at certain levels it would have made me feel better. If there was ever an explanation as to why it took close to 10 months to start any kind of advertising to bring in new people but kept the money for advertising it would have helped. If they would have explained why they needed to sell the free trial members that were brought in with the money that was paid by the members instead of placing them in the trees as promised. When no explanation was ever given for these issues then I can only decide what I believe and the answer is greed. I was once told by a person in the office over a payment issue that they did not have to pay anyone and never have to give a reason why. I canceled my nutronix account that day.
    Going to church or having a relationship with God only keeps me from doing what is right or wrong. And it keeps me from promoting a business that I believe is not taking care of its members.
    • berrytreeinfo
      Hey Ronnie,
      You’re right. I did take the passive approach in building this business; I’ll never deny that. And boy am I glad I did, after seeing what this “system” has become.
      You should know me by now. If I really believe in something and feel the urge and excitement to build it, I get to work. You saw for yourself the results I had in GC; many times pulling in one personal referral everyday. Yet, even in that scenario, I wasn’t putting my whole heart into effective promotion.
      However, you are side-stepping the issues and going off on tangents here, and it certainly isn’t putting you in a good light. You speak as if you’re high on a pedistool in the clouds; and in the end, those with experience see it for what it truly is: reckless optimism. You can’t cover it up with careless assumptions and judgments, such as “You weren’t positive enough” or “You focus more on money than people.” Even if those are true statements, it strays from the problems at hand that you’ve failed to address or discuss.
      The real business world is not about exerting reckless optimism and loyalty toward any idea, group, or organization. It’s about completing due diligence, studying the facts and numbers, making comparisons, and arriving at an educated decision.
      I can stand on the edge of a cliff and be as optimistic as possible about believing I can spread my hands and fly over the canyon. BUT, that doesn’t mean it will come true. Optimism has its limits; especially in business and marketing, and it should never fully replace the standard practice of realism. That’s how people get hurt and lose their money. You know this to be true: Look at the consequences of those who blindly cheered away without due diligence or realistic evaluations in programs such as 12 Daily Pro, StudioTraffic, Amway, Quixtar, and a multitude of other programs.
      I suspect you’ve let your emotions consume you, much like those I’m forced to shake my head at in the HYIP/autosurf arena. Because you are making $3,000 – 4000 a month in the company, you refuse to look at the facts around you and accept the possibility that the Nutronix empire could be flawed or partially corrupted; even though the obvious facts and figures are screaming out to the rest of us with a clear head on our shoulders.
      I have received so many horrifying testimonials from people through blog reports, e-mails, and forum quotes stating that the they’ve been lied to, abused, cheated, and abandoned in the Berry Tree program. And, before you even think of refuting this with that ever-so popular excuse “It must have been a bad upline, or they weren’t positive/diligent enough”…know that these misfortunes were directly related to the current and new structure of the company itself.
      Don’t believe me? See for yourself, and go ahead and read some of the testimonies and findings produced in this very 250-something comments section of this article. Some are aggressive to an unnecessary level, but others are calm, accurate, and carefully support a popular conclusion that the Berry Tree administration has been irresponsible, deceptive, and greedy. Unfortunately, your unconditional loyalty and position appears to have become a blindfold to all this.
      And this isn’t meant to paint everyone with the broad brush. There are many people involved in the high positions of authority, such as you and Gary Smith, that I still respect and believe are truly attempting to help others build a profitable business. It’s a wonder the corporate greed hasn’t already destroyed the good things these people are trying to accomplish.
      Quite frankly, I’m not going to bother posting any more testimonies and proof against the Berry Tree here for the time being, because I think most people are going to read the first paragraph, skim over the rest, and attempt to spin my arguments with more “Oh you’re just an angry failure” and “you’re full of negative energy” manipulative garbage.
      If I wanted to hear more false dichotomy traps along the lines of “Either you’re positive and successful, or negative and a loser,” I’d go to the conventions in Southfield, MI put on by Amway representatives every week.
      “Negativity” and the process of “skepticism, critical thinking, and realistic conclusions” only appear synonymous to unprofessional individuals who think they are ready for the business world. If there’s one thing MLM history has taught us in 50 years, it’s that people who push the “negative” trap on to others have ulterior motives and/or suffer from levels of ignorance.
      In conclusion, don’t worry about me. I’m doing just fine, earning over $1K a month online. In the last month alone, I’ve met many mature, like-minded individuals that would like to potentially partner in various activities. I’m looking at a $100-200K income level through the internet by this time next year, and I couldn’t be happier. In the process, I would like to find and help people like Richard, Zeek, Howard, the “Red honor,” and others who have been hurt by the greed and deceptive rhetoric that has overtaken the Berry Tree business.
      Thank goodness I was willing to keep my eyes open and never fall prey to the MLM plague of “foolish, unconditional loyalty,” as another in this thread called it. It’s a shame it had to come to this, but I hold true to ethics; my integrity is not for sale. The truth must be shared no matter how many may throw rocks at us for not casting careless smiles.
      Now you know. This isn’t an meant as an attack, but only what I honestly believe based on what I’ve seen. I think you’re a good guy and friend, but I also think you’ve let dangerous emotions control you and that you’re somewhat naive on what we’ve been discussing here for several months.
      — — — — —
      My sincere apologies to anyone who has OR knows someone who has personally lost money in this program.
      – Ryan
    • on July 7, 2008 at 12:05 am | Reply Ronnie Branch
      Hey Ryan,
      I’m emotionally fine here brother and even if I was making $0 I would still hold the same feelings because folks who have the core desire for success do not murmur and complain during good & bad times…
      I feel the leadership intentions have always been good becuase if it wasn’t why would they enchance the payplan?
      It says a lot about a company who takes the time to do things right vs rushing something out there like beta testing.
      Do you honestly think they would invest all this time if their hearts where not trying to make it work? They made nutronix work for almost 10 years now and I find it interesting how you forget about that and love to analyze statistics and numbers… Now if it was a startup company I most likely wouldn’t support the company but my faith is in what they have done in the past. Knowing this tells me the Berry Tree will work… My advice for everybody is to stick it out and if you don’t you’ll be hearing many success stories in the future with or without you. Preferablly with you!
      Matt Yonin said despite some of the numbers who may not be happy, the new numbers have far offsetted things
      Of course naysayers will always look for reasons why to look the other way which these folks severely lack in mindset on what it truly takes to build a business. I know what I’m talking about I’ve seen the worst and the best.
      You remember me telling you how Dani Johnson talks on the scriptures when people complain the Lord will not bestow blessings in your life.
      It’s like having a toy given by your pa. Why should he give you more when you where not happy from the first gift?
      Ryan personally the way you pass judgement on company’s tells me if anything ever goes wrong you’d be heading the opposite direction. Personally I couldn’t work with folks who are like this it clearly shows they are not a team player rather they are winning & more importantly losing to some degree.
      I’ll say it again when you have a good leadership team it determines the outcome for a comeback and The Berry tree did just that with their new payplan 2 x matrix.
      I think as you grow in age you’ll come to better understand this I know your only 20 and while your a sharp guy Ryan I think you’ll have far great potential when you become more of age.
      Team leaders do not abandoned their people and regardless of the outcome outside our powers we stay true to what is important…
      As for what is happening in the company. All companys will face challenges at some point and the easy thing to do is run away… This is what the masses do and when you have a breeding ground of negative energy it is easy for folks to get discouraged. My advice is to stick with people who are positive always during good & bad situations these folks clearly have it down.
      Ryan I have asked you many times to focus on Dani Johnson training but I know you haven’t and you know this is where we work on developing core mindset.
      You can learn all the great things for driving traffic but if the mind is weak it really doesn’t matter…
      I give all the glory to God it is his business not mine I have nothing to boost or brag about. Robert Irizzary is ashamed of you Ryan for Berry Bashing but I know you have your reasons.
      Just remember the people who complain are the ones who are lacking in life so a good rule of thumb in life is to always listen to folks who have made success happen. Until we can discpline ourselves to listen t others on where we want to be which is their level we will not become successful and or have limited success.
      It makes perfect sense to me. I have no bad emotions here I am just saying it as I see it I love everybody and do wish folks success and peace in life.
      Take care folks!
      Ronnie Branch
      “Homeless Rebel”
      on July 7, 2008 at 12:24 am | Reply Ronnie Branch
      I also wanted to say Successful people understand obstacles and challenges in life. If things in life where easy everybody would be rich!
      People who are not successful are constantly looking for shortcuts to success and often times this comes at the sacrifice of lost of time and money not to mention a lot of frustration.
      These people justify their through their reasons of why it didn’t work for them, but usually always have nothing to show for in terms of income to create the belief level they are in fact experts..
      My question is do we listen to folks who have Made Success happen? Or do we listen to folks who have not made success happen and are easily triggered to negative energy?
      Who will become your leader? It is your money after all so plan wisely.
      The goal in life is to build wealth it is our dream. So My advice for folks who truly desire success is to become disciplined and learn from other great leaders who truly understand this.
      I take my business beyond just merely thinking of it as a business. I take it to a whole new level of faith and trust and if I did not do this, I would have easily been lead astray to naysayers thoughts that would plaque my success and the Success of others.
      Putting your faith in the Lord to Stand Firm is important. This is why I lead through Christ before my business and He has continued to bless me and explode my business beyond belief.
      Just wanted to share some thoughts….
      Ronnie Branch
      “Homeless Rebel”
      Ronnie Branch Well Reese, That’s the idea there are two sides to every coin
      One side = Positive
      One side = Negative
      If folks want abundance one must always stay positive. In marriage it is the same way we can choose to give into negative thoughts or stay positive. I have been with my wife for 14 years and on 15th year we got married and you know why we lasted this long?
      Because I always stayed positive and forgive and forget during the trials of the relationship. Having said that goes along way in business.
      Wishing you Success!
      Ronnie Branch
      Ronnie Branch

      Well this may be due to the fact until they have ironed out some issues iss why it is best to not say anything at all seing how the first comp plan was not well though thought out in the beginning..
      Do you expect a startup company backed by a 9 year debt free company to have it right the first go? Or are you kidding yourself?
      Do you pass judgement? Where is the compassion and support towards the company that wants to change your life? instead of being upset I think you need to praise because they actually are helping the little guys make it in this company vs the dinosaur companys.
      They have an exciting new payplan I’m really excited about that is helping my group grow daily. Because I held faith during good & bad times is always why the Lord entrusted me with more in all aspects in life. I hope this helps you.
      Why should a company say something and be held to it when one does not? Now I can’t speak for the management it would not be in my place but common sense tells me this.
      My advice is to plug into the training calls to stay connected with the many thousands of positive people who all have a vision in life and believe in this company.
      For all the new folks who read this I also wanted to say when considering information from others to be valid. You need to ask them how many videos & audio collection do they have?
      No videos or to few what kind of leader are they?
      No audio?
      Do you follow their lead or do you listen to a simple guy like me who has 128 videos on youtube and over 2 years of audio from being consistent in everything in life?
      The choice is yours… I don’t get credit, The Lord does I just run the show for him and speak the truth.
      Hopefully I’ve given some light… All I wish is for folks to make it happen I can only share my knowledge but in the end it is up to the people.
      God Bless,
      Ronnie Branch
      “Homeless Rebel”
      on July 7, 2008 at 1:16 am | Reply Ronnie Branch

      Just so folks Know I do not support All Star Alliance & Elite Brigade team builds this is old news that went the opposite direction of what I had envisioned….
      My team build is the Lords Champions which has gone extremely well.
      I have no control of the Blog and I have asked Ryan to take this down. Let us see if he respects my decision…If not no worries we live learn and move forward in life.
      God Bless!

      Ronnie Branch
      “Homeless Rebel”
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