Ronnie Branch is responding to an army of unhappy reps that are losing their shirts in this scam that is after 2 year near total collapse.
Ronnie Branch Red a typical response of somebody of your kind.
Of course when you have negative breeding grounds nothing else could be expected. I deal with people like you on a regular basics and see them come and go fast.
Fortunately a few gem’s is all that is needed thankfully to make network marketing awesome.
I’ll pray for some of your folks take care
Ronnie Branch
“Homeless Rebel”

Please tell me the people that were in this program are going to do something about it, and are not just going to sit back and let them get away with it.
The leaders of the berrytree have ripped its members off long enough.

I’ve seen too many people already admit defeat and kiss their money goodbye in bt. its going to take a lot of angry power to punish these crooks for what they did. you can start off my contacting your people and filing reports with the FTC. Biggest mistake those dirty kingpins made was leading a scam ring with a company registered in Usa. even then you probably won’t get your money back but at least that will get the word out and destroy any smidget of reputation the bt clowns have. bottom line is making sure others dont get caught up in this deathtrap while it still has any breath left. the ONLY way and i mean the ONLY way for this company to pull through is for the rotten kingpins to toss the greed aside and start automatically sending members to others accounts as they originally claimed they would do. they’ve lied for over a year and the only way they can squeek by now is to desperately refocus their selfish motives to help their starving members.
DAMN THESE CROOKS!!! just thinking about their disrespect for honor and mlm rep drives me MAD!! we cant continue to let shameless punks like Branchy hurt other people. hell I think i’ll make a few phone calls and see what it would take to start a black marketing campaign against bt. People deserve justice and you’d be surprised what damage you can do for a few hundred dollars. and for any dumbass legal ignoramuses out there….. you cant get sued for voicing your experience or evidence or full evaluation of a shitty company. only 1 out of every 55 slander charges ever wins in mlm cases and that only happens b/c some mlm rivals get overly carelss with their words and actions!! So don’t any of you nutballs even try to scare me with legal taunts. you’d have a better chance of finding gold in ur backyard than successfuly suing me and my direction LMAOOO!
Ronnie Branch

Richard, They have a committee that is getting people in Berry tree daily just other day another 76 joined… Every single day 50-100+ join the berry tree shown in real time…
Every member benefits from the entire companys efforts. Quite honestly any MLM one joins they only earn down not from entire group. Heck even if it was a big challenge it still be worth it because of leverage.. But it is not a huge challenge I can’t wait until this baby gets rolling and the amount leverage it will bring.
All other folks who complained will be looking for next deal and not have real leverage but heck it’s your choice I’m not stupid the leverage is where it’s at.
Hope you guys have a good day I do love you hope you find something good.
Ronnie Branch
“Homeless Rebel”
Ronnie Branch

Red, if your not happy just find something else ok. Many people are having success some will not that is how it goes. Despite your feelings about me I do care about you and everybody here.
Take a easy
Ronnie Branch
“Homeless Rebel”
Ronnie Branch

That is why it is important to pick a right sponsor Alan. I’ve supported my team for 2 years. I have put reps,leaders,builders below my team for 2 years. I only do it for folks who are serious however.
The new 2 x matrix for folks who understand the model is that it is a proven model to grow downline’s very quickly. I think we have one of the best compensation plans around.
Earning from the entire company + 2 x matrix help 2 find 2…
The new folks they had a 10k pool in it and the share was $333 for each member who got their 2 or 3 for that month + the all star pool 2 shares another $144
Not to mention add $20 fast start x 3 people add $60 more
What MLM can you earn $540 bucks for sponsoring 3 people only for that month with such low volume?
Then if they join nutronix add another $25-$150 fast start + residual income we have a powerful compensation plan.
The business works if you yourself works..
Question is do you work?
Ronnie Branch
“Homeless Rebel”
Ronnie Branch

So how is everybody’s day going? I feel great another beautiful day and so much to look forward to in the coming months exciting times ahead. I think I’ll listen to some great positive energy today
Have a great day folks!
Ronnie Branch
“Homeless Rebel”
Ronnie Branch

I have no control over what Berry Tree does. I can do my part just fine which is recruiting. I do make suggestions to the upper leaders at times and plan to meet with some of the leadership team.
For 2.4 years all I have done is help folks become successful… What I liked about the business in the beginning was the lead generation in time I found customer retention is very important .
I goto many of the meetings and I meet many positive like minded people in the hundreds and they have no problem with the company and support what they do. The way I look at it is the company in ancient history I think it was a 3×9 matrix with nutronix along time ago many years ago and they had to revamp the pay plan a few times until it became satisfactory.
Art & Rob have supported Nutronix for 4 maybe 5 years and what they loved about the company is the fact of the customer service and the fact they pay 70 cents on the dollar back to distributors. The costs for the products where adjusted just right to be competitive.
I personally do agree the focus should be leaning to the products they do infact have some good products like the Silver solution & Coral minerals my personal favorite. The videos itself on bt website prove they actually work infact and have helped people experience better health.
I plan to talk to the leadership I think they definately should lead with the products they have some great flagship products. I know however the berry tree is very young it will take some time to get things going but I believe with their commitment it could very well be worth the wait in the end for folks who support the company.
Folks who cannot recruit, Nutronix & Bt is a good company for these folks. Don’t expect to get rich, use the products experience better health and lead with that and you’ll do good.
I just bought a Very nice camera $600 14 hours of recording & night recording so I can do some live filming in the bahama’s you guys are welcome to see them later.
Anyways folks my intentions are not to be harsh on anybody I know you guys want to succeed. It truly takes work, I worked at it hard Ryan knows that in the humble beginnings. I have seen some bad things happen overtime but the storms ride out and it gets better.
What is my secret to keep moving forward? It is through Faith my friends and that is why I run this business I would feel trouble in the spirit if it was not good. I rely on prayer to determine where my time needs to be spent.
Regarding questions, Personally I have no special authority with the company but I am well respected for my work ethic on youtube and behind the curtains. I am not dodging questions I personally mainly focus on positive thinking and less pondering on some things I know I have no power of anyways.
I do know the upper leaders intentions mean well and Gary Smith has been the most generous leader I have had privilege of working with. He has given me thousands to grow my business and supported my team to help and has weekly trainings and gives away money each week. He is a leader that plans to give his entire 2008 earnings to his team now that is serious commitment.
Folks if u want live testimonials I have recordings back to the year 2006-2008 about dozens who speak about Ab/Berry Tree
Just send me a email if you’d like to hear them
Ronnie Branch
“Homeless Rebel”
77 Day Challenge for MLM Success