All this Ponzi malarkey is new to me but quite fascinating. Judging by the incredible proliferation of YouTube videos – 23,000-plus, with dozens more being uploaded every day – there appears to be life in BB yet. Some have hundreds of thousands of views, a couple more than a million. That’s just the results from an English-language search “Banners Broker”. Quite a few Cyrillic alphabet results, but there must be thousands more in Arabic and various other languages and alphabets. Add to that all the blogs, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts and that’s an overwhelming amount of propaganda. It must be enough to maintain a steady stream of new income. After that it’s a question of maintaining the illusion by distributing “earnings” on a geographically optimum basis. I’m sure somebody, maybe a computer genius, could work out an algorithm for that.

Some of the pitches are hilarious: “What I want to do is give you a brief overview of how Banners Broker actually works and it is very, very simple... What I want you to do is not dig around at the roots but to pick the flowers. Because if you were to try and work out just how Banners Broker manage to do this you’ll never do it in a million years. It is very simple and I want to keep it as simple as I possibly can.” Quite.

Banners Broker Scam - Ignorance is Bliss?

The most slick pitch is the Leadership Call hosted by David Hooker on January 21 which has been re-posted numerous times and, it appears, dubbed into other languages. It aims to anticipate objections, for example: “97 per cent of revenue from Google comes from advertising, about 37.3 billion dollars. Yet they don’t really have a product.” It all seems almost plausible, if you can stand Hooker’s unctuous delivery, up until about fifteen minutes in when the legerdemain happens. By then most people will have been bamboozled enough to make their excuses and leave. Just kidding! Quite the opposite unfortunately.

2013-01-21 Leadership Call - Hosted by David Hooker

However, you won’t find the most relevant YouTube video under a “Banners Broker” search. It’s actually the video that any prospective “affiliate” must watch!

DePonzification 101 – Lesson #1

If you can’t figure out how that might apply to you, then by all means sign up at once. Because you’re worth it. No, really.