I have been watching all the comments here and on other scam sites and HYIP sites…I couldn’t hold back anymore without making a comment…every one of you who carry on about all the programs operating now and in the past that have fallen over due to bad management, no management, or just outright lies more than likely have been the cause of all you who seem to have a lot of time on your hands…the irony is you are the one hurting millions of people who I believe the majority of these people really did and do believe they joined something fantastic…have you really stopped and taken a look at your posts… have you actually seen the spite coming from your keyboards…have ever stopped to think what you are actually doing whether it be from a good place or a bad place…have you stopped and taken a good look at what is happening around the world…do you even realize the governments and banks are screwing all of us…are you really that blind…or are you just so bored with your own life and bitter from past failures that you are too far gone…have you stopped to think about the imminent danger with USA & north Korea…what about the world financial crisis…THE FAKE BAILOUTS… Global Financial Collapse 2013 THE TICKING BOMB What is a safe place? - YouTube There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly. - YouTube I seen some posts the other day relating to THE REASON why banners broker has been going to Greece and other failing economies due to they are “easy targets” surrounded by financial turmoil…are you serious…really…these people in Greece are completely screwed…do any of you have children…what lengths would you go to make sure they are fed and clothed with no job…[I know all of you who are HYIPers only wished you could tap those markets]…especially when the very powers take your money every day right from under your noses under the guise of taxes, processing fees, bank fees…the list is truly endless, national bail outs, carbon [hahaha] tax…how else can they continue to finance black opps, underground bases dumbs - YouTube , top secret and classified projects like MK-Ultra, Project blue book, majestic 12…I could provide links for all of these…but I think I have provided enough…do you own research put your visible narrative skills & informing / reporting skills to greater use…now there is something to get angry about and write about…I read an article in a newspaper the other day a hardworking man had retired with$1,000,000 to last him for the rest of his life for his whole family down to his grandchildren 'I went to sleep Friday as a rich man. I woke up a poor man' and a couple of his own dreams for him and his wife…he went to bed with 1 Mil woke up with $100K thanks to the breakdown of the Laiki bank in Greece…how would any of you witch hunters handle that…would you rob a bank if there was no other option to feed your kids or your family…watch this reality kick in the head American Winter - Preview (2/1/13) - YouTube no but you would dob someone in who did right…people of the world not just in this forum but the world really need to open their eyes and take another real look around and see what is happening around them…back away from wishing and hoping and cheering the demise of people who see opportunity and cease it…the world is going to **** fast…the us dollar is deliberately being devalued…the banks don’t even lend money in the first place “Enron the smartest guys in the room” Enron - The Smartest Guys In The Room - YouTube …huge energy company…biggest corporate scam notable to the general public didn’t even have any money…911 orchestrated and carried out by the us military complex amongst others 9/11 Truth - What Really Happened to Building 7 - YouTube …free energy available to all but you won’t ever have it as long as the world lies to you about its non-existence… Full Documentary- Modern Marvels- Nikola Tesla, Mad Electricity- THC subs español 1de5 - YouTube

HSBC bank caught laundering money for drug cartels https://www.google.com.au/search?q=h...ient=firefox-a get a slap on the wrist and continue after paying a fine which they recoup after just 1 month…write about that…!!!!

Oh I can see a lot of you thinking I’m a conspiracy theorist…tell that to those who look for real news not the crap which is fed through the tv and radio…the internet has a plethora of real knowledge…use it and go find it yourself…stop living in the lies…AGAIN WAKE UP PEOPLE…those who go with the flow are just sheep and you empower the real conspirators

You all go on and on about ponzis schemes…yet I see its okay to get into HYIPs…are you frikken serious…here is a confession from a HYIP creator [Invex] 3. A Hyip Scammer Confession - How They Make A Hyip Scam - START your hyip journey here - Private HYIP Forum what do you think they are…just because other opportunities have larger option to start up with does not separate HYIPs from companies like ZEEK, Banners Broker etc…we are talking about people not the bastards who deliberately scam people…these are everyday people you are calling morons, trolls, losers…these could be your mums, your dads, your brothers, your sisters…it makes my blood boil when I see posts like “ I can’t wait for XYZ company to come to its demise and the governing bodies begin the security claw back…do you know how bitter you sound…how inhuman you are…you are all like a bunch of kids in a sand pit pulling the wings off flies…I think you need to take stock of real issues in the world and re-evaluate what you are focusing on…cos it sure doesn’t sound like it’s the companies as much as it is the affiliates of the companies you target…There are companies that are truly questionable, there are people who run these companies who should be chased down and skinned alive…but you don’t even realize the damage you are causing for all the people who did get involved with these companies like those who busted their backsides thinking only great would come from it…the countless hours they have put in to them and many other opps before…the expenses they have as result of marketing, support, meetings etc…once again I can see some of the “cogs” turning already and the replies building up in your heads…nothing you can come back with justifies your pathetic missions hellbent on hoping for the worse and pushing for the worse and yes sometime inevitable…so save your breath and find something useful to do with your life…

I am not saying BB is not a scam…I’m not saying I back it…its quite evident what is happening…like always it is never as clear cut in the beginning which is where the real meat and potatoes of your which hunting lies…and the facts remain it is all based on assumption due to no actual proof re; banners broker…the beginning is where everything is rocking along nicely and people see opportunity and sieze it…these are the people you are destroying not the companies…the companies always seem to get out of hot water and now with security clawbacks its even better for them…

It’s time to get off your horse called “Itoldyasoegotripper”…so frikken what you are champions at deducing fact from fiction….you are legends…you are also hypocrites…and egomaniacs…HYIPS ARE THE SAME…FAIR DINKUM…IF YOU BELIEVE THEY ARE NOT YOU REALLY NEED YOUR HEADS READ !!! The people who design them are even worse…in fact they are in the same caliber as banks…only they don’t lie to your face…instead they tell you there is no guarantee of earnings…THEY ACTUALLY PROVIDE EXCUSES FOR THEMSELVES AND YOU THE PROMOTER…sounds like the airplane games OF OLD…they really love you and so they should…

What about the Asian community…Asians have been running money games forever…and they do it well…They beat the ststem…which is something you should all look at…the system is corrupt as hell…beating them at their own game is where the real power is…if they can extort you with billions a year in just church donations…then you should do everything within reason to get something back…you know what I even bet there are posters here and in other forums who smoke pot and even some who grow it…and these very same people are the first to jump up and down about how it is packed with medicinal value and it should be legalized…some people would disagree with you…and would want to dob you in…imagine that…imagine if there was a forum where people could dob you in for smoking weed or growing a plant or 2…

Let’s not forget all those people who are genuinely not guilty but locked up all because of informants or dobbers…

I hope you can see the bigger picture and my point…the world is crap…the only thing we can do is rise above it and make hay when the sun shines cos its only getting worse…stop banging those marta drums and screwing people over who are just having a go…stop hoping the companies who they are affiliated to fall over…and helping the companies fall who these people join in the hope of changing their lives knowingly or unsuspecting…who cares…it doesn’t matter…what matters is there are enough informants in this world and control…you don’t need to add to it…and especially when you don’t get paid for it…huh…you don’t get paid for it but the governing bodies do and wait for all your work…gather it into a nice little package [silver platter] and get the reward for it…sounds really stupid if you ask me.


peace for every one