This happened a couple of days ago with me receiving an email using my email address as sender. I always report these types of emails and I blocked them. I went to Facebook and found a page relating to this company. I commented about these emails and discovered others had received the same type email using their addresses. A person replied and sent a message to my other box and I replied to them through my private email. Immediately, I received another one of the spam emails! I have notified these people on their site and replied to the messages. This is for your information and hope we can get this stopped asap! I will post the message I received this morning:

TheVine - Life lessons in television - Life & pop culture, untangled
Hey, I might be too harsh!

However, I got to tell you this...

Mining gold in the mountains is a great
and old-fashioned way to become rich!!!

Today, discover the modern, effortless
and sure way to earn real money thru
gold mining online...

Click here:

(copy-paste link into web browser if
can't be clicked directly, TY)


Upon doing a Google check, I found this at top of list.

make money online.: TheVine | Life lessons in television

Here is the Facebook page:

This was the first of several that hit my inbox:

TheVine - Life lessons in television - Life & pop culture, untangled

Subject: We are Hiring Ad Posters

Hi there,

It frustrates me when I see people get fooled by get-rich-quick
scheme websites on the Internet. And believe me, there are tons
of them out there, waiting to snatch some victims.

What about you, Friend? Are you one of the victims? Are you giving
up your financial freedom? Please don't. Allow me to share with you
some important truths that are essential to your internet success
(and possibly to your mental well-being!).

Don't go chasing every internet marketing rabbit trail. The internet
is literally so big, and there are so many marketers trying to make
a quick buck from YOU, that you could spend ALL day, every day just
chasing illusions of internet riches. If you only chase after those
hyped up illusions every day, then you will NEVER find what you're
looking for.

There does come a point where you have to take a small leap of faith
and try something. In other words, you will have to do some work.
The problem is, whose method should you try? After all, your time
is valuable and you don't want to waste it on hype.

The best advice I can give you is to find someone who has done it
already, and do what they do. I'm not talking about someone who says
they know some secret method. I'm talking about someone who IS making

That person could be me, or it could be another internet marketer that
you've grown to trust. The bottom line is, there's just too much crap
out there for anyone to find the right way on their own. It took me
years to find the right way, and today there's exponentially more hype
and junk on the internet than when I started.

If I had to do it all over again today, starting with zero knowledge,
I'd be totally lost.

Thankfully, there's a simple program that's going to save your time and money.

Best regards,
Ricardo Jamino
San Francisco, Calif

P.S Reply back a blank email with a subject Discard to unsubscribe.

go here:

The Team @ TheVine.

TheVine - Home - Life & pop culture, untangled

Beware and let's help get this stopped asap!!!!