Great thread guys. I love it. Good research, I have even learned from this thread.

If, you can sign up as a Sales associates without paying fee and be paid a commission to market their services that is Just like a Normal sales job. Commission based Job Not a Pyramid Scheme.

The reason why some associates promote the money and income potential is the same with any other marketing system and they is because the potential is there.
When Amway, Mary Kay and other various companies have a hotel meeting they promote the aspects of freedom, working from home and the ability to make a great income.

I hope I do not seem bias because I am a affiliate just joined a couple of months ago the highest pay out I have received for one week was just under $2000 but, I have used the service and it works just great in fact. I asked the company that came out and they said they also dispatch for AAA, All State and 8 other companies. What I promote about the company is the benefits then the income every does not want to sale service.

This is not a scheme, scam or a Ponzi but, real life, real services, helping real people.