The OneLife GLG members leaving has picked up steam. More and more are leaving each day. They all see the handwriting on the wall except the die-hard believers. Immediately they have gone from heroes to zeroes and are now labeled "haters" their favorite term for anyone who dares say anything remotely negative about OC/OL. These aren't just your typical GLG members. They are blue diamonds and black diamonds that have left.

You would think people would want to know what they know that they don't and figure out that things are not as Simon Le and King Jayms have led everyone to believe they are. It should also point out that none of them have any confidence in Simon Le or King Jayms' leadership because they know they are lying to the members. I see the defections picking up steam not slowing down as more and more become aware of the truth of what is going on with OneLife. At least 12 more have left in just under a week.

What I found fascinating is that they are all saying exactly the same thing for why they left. Their swan song for leaving sounds more like they are talking to law enforcement than their followers as for why they are leaving. I guess they think it will resolve them from any action against them by the authorities. They are in for a rude surprise if law enforcement wants to go that far down the food chain to bring charges. They all could face criminal charges for their role in OC/OL. No doubt 2020 is going to be one very interesting year for OneLife, or what's left of it.

Order your popcorn now, get plenty of liquid refreshment on hand and settle in your comfy arm chair and enjoy the show, for it is going to be a blockbuster show.