For those of you who still don't' understand Ponzi-speak, let me decipher what Bill Rojas, or any of his other aliases, said:

It is your fault you believed me when I said I had checked this out and I found it to be legit. After all, all the other major promoters had checked it out and said it was legit and I believed them. It's not my fault what has happened has happened. I never told anyone to pout more money in than the could afford to lose. Of course I didn't say that up front, but hey everyone knows you don't do that. It's not my fault the other major promoters were telling you to toss a bunch of money into USI. You shouldn't be mad at me as I was conned just like all of you. None of this is my fault. Never mind that I have not been right about any program I have ever promoted that were Ponzi's/scams. I really thought this one was different. Never mind that I never do any real due diligence, just claim to have done it; but it is your fault for not doing your own. I'm a good guy as I paid for others to join as I truly believed this one was real. Otherwise I would have never, ever gotten involved. You can trust me I am telling you the truth this time.

The one thing that all of you new to this world of Ponzi's/Scams is this: It is NEVER, EVER the fault of the promoters of their Ponzi's/Scams. It is always someone else, and that includes you for believing their claims their program is legitimate. I'm a good person and would NEVER, EVER do anything to harm you financially. My only goal is to make you rich to the best of my ability. Honest Injun.