The CLOWN-Man has NOT COME OUT with 1 product which is a success. What is Success, one of the key factors is how long the product has been used.

We can NOW ADD Healy to his latest LIST OF FAILURES. From one time BASHING Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg and NOW uses FB, can only speak VOLUMES. If he hated FB so much, why does he still use it. Oh I forgot, Future Net which was supposed to change the world HAS CLOSED DOWN. ROFL. He posts in Twitter and other sites, AM GLAD to see he gets VERY FEW LIKES.

He made FUN of the people who sat in Traffic, but those people who sat in Traffic have the option to WFH and make money.


Quote Originally Posted by Fat City, LA View Post
"The take-away here is that the FDA has not approved Healy World’s device for any of the unsupported claims the company makes about its device."
Is Healy World's device FDA approved?