Hey CLOWN MAN - 2 Points for U

a) First ask yourself - do you have the capability to get into MS or Amazon. Pl note they have 5 rounds of interviews and BS wont get U in (U might do all the BS in FB, but now U get ony 6 digit likes)

b) Well even if U did get into Amazon and MS, you would be a Multi Millionaire with thier stock. Unlike your failed schemes like where FN took your money and ran away. MS and Amazon WILL NOT TAKE UR MONEY and run away.

People who stuck on with MS and Amazon are owning Multi Million $$ Homes in Bellevue, travelling around the world with Family (unlike U who goes all alone) and having their assets safe (unlike FN )

Geez what a Moron. I think too much sun made you talk even more BS.
