So sleazoid Ronnie is planning his escape while calling his downline losers and harassing them to stay in the scam. Typical scenario the pump, dump and jump to the next one which of course is THE ONE! What happened to this being a million dollar business as scammer Ronnie claimed?????
Ronnie Brenda your post reminds me of a mountain in the distance. It becomes more glorious to look at the more I hear about it.
The Fruit of Doubt comes from the Deceiver.
Brenda the Gold lies where everybody is not looking or walks away from. If anything was easy everybody would doing it. I salute you for standing firm in your quest for glory and a better life.
feel free to contact me anybody send me a message on my youtube channel I’ll share my time to help you with your business. It doesn’t matter if your on my team or not I go out my way to help many…
Just remember Brenda to always surround yourself on the side of the coin where positive thinkers and achievers live and breath.
You become like them when you surround yourself with them. This past week I sponsored a few reps and 3 more coming on board in one of my businesses
More leads keep coming in I teach people how to build a business and have your phone ringing….
Ronnie Branch
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Ronnie Branch January 12, 2009

Hello Folks! Been a long while since i last visited As of Aug I have decided it was time to move on from the berry tree. I can be a great recruiter and leader to my people but there comes a time when one has start ensuring the future and longevity… I have long forseen this and have pre planned…

People are hurting during the recession problems and I have found my true home. It is a home I actually been with over 7 years ago.. Doing quite well and hitting director level and my team is blossoming from my leadership…
I wish everybody the best in their endeavors…
Ronnie Branch

All I can say is WOW!!!!
I hope you do get a chance to come by and read this>
Quote “As of Aug I have decided it was time to move on from the berry tree”
So why did you continue to recruit new members after Aug 1st if you knew you were leaving? I already know what you will be saying. You took them into the new endeavor.
Quote “I have long forseen this and have pre planned…”
This really lets the truth out, you have long foreseen what was coming and pre planned then why were you in hear every day calling everyone that had already left, losers and negative people? Welcome to the losers club!!!
I don’t have to say much as people read your posts they can see for themselves who and what you are.
Thanks for making my day
Ronnie Branch

Well for along time Richard I have overcome all challenges, but the company has to do their part. I teach and train my team to be like me.
Staying positive is the key Richard and as a leader one will stay focused and positive during good & bad times. I’m already quite established elsewhere and gone up a rank and almost a 2nd rank above almost replacing my income.
The money is not my motivation, if somebody has money in one eye they are half blind and if in two eyes they are totally blind! Richard you’ll soon learn that one must fail enough times to triumph… Despite a failing situation I still had great success because I choose to live to be a champion to others. If one can succeed in tough areas (rough land) one can truly succeed building in the (sands).
I am wishing everybody great success in their endeavors in life. Focus on the good as Jesus commands us to love others and help suffering humanity.
I actually stopped recruiting before the convention. There are many reasons and its not just the berry tree about 95% the companys will experience issues with time. I have ensured my people are lead to the healing waters.
Take care and stay positive..
Your friend in Truth & Light,
Ronnie Branch

Hello Ronnie,
What do you say to someone who has a set of rules for himself and another set for the rest of mankind?
What makes you think that you are the only person who has had setbacks and kept moving forward?
Quote “Well for along time Richard I have overcome all challenges, but the company has to do their part.” When I said several times that the company most do it’s part you labeled me a negative loser who quits at the 1st problem. When I addressed this with the many promises that were never kept by the company yet I stayed and kept bringing people in you never even acknowledged anything all you would say as you are saying now “we must stay positive”
Quote “The money is not my motivation” If money is not your motivation why were you bragging that you made over $6,000.00 after you returned from the convention, why did you tell everyone about your $600.00 camera? Just saying I got a new camera would have been enough. Money is your motivation or you would not have kept bringing it up. Talking about how much folks could make and all. Trying being a little truthful.
Let me list a few things in my life that happened and I overcame them.
17 years old- my mother passed away.
23 years old- murdered baby
35 years old- I overcame alcohol and drug abuse (yr 1984) have not touched any since then. Have been working with alcoholics ever since
39 yrs old- amputated 40% of my right hand (I’m right handed) and my wife was pregnant, ( serious hard times) I could not use my hand for 14 months due to 4 operations and therapy over that time period and to this day I only have full use of my thumb and pinky finger. I took no government hand outs and kept pushing forward.
43 years old-A company folded that I was doing work for and put me $100,000.00 in dept ( I paid every penny of it back)
57 years old- my beloved son-in-law of 10 years was killed leaving my oldest daughter widowed with 2 small children.
The reason I am telling you this is you think you are the only person in the world who has endured any hard times, well my friend you are not. And even all that I have been through and trust me on this the list could go on for awhile. I know that there are many, many people that have harder times than me. So get off of your high horse with your holier than thou attitude.
I will pray for you that the Lord will open your eyes. Maybe together we can cast those demons from you.
Wishing you the best for even as you continually think you are so much better than the rest of us low life heathens I love all of mankind no matter what.
Made the Lord Jesus Christ bless you.
Ronnie Branch

Richard, While working the business I always stay positive. I have stated such things out of loyalty because as a business leader loyalty is important.
I have perhaps been a little harsh, it was meant to stay positive however you may have twisted some words. If u listen to my story above you’ll know I am a man of action which 6 months ago and have replaced my income as a result and help 2 people reach director level and likely will earn a $1500 leadership bonus as a result.
I am not Mighty, The Lord gets the glory I just be a good steward. I realize your frustration, but even if the Berry tree did well I still could not build it you’ll understand why in my videos.
Understand I have invested 2.5 years building the company, so rightfully in my position I am going to stay positive. I have lost more then you and yet I keep high spirits. I do hope you find the business of your dreams. My group the Lords champions we keep things real, if it isn’t real I cannot do it. When I decide to run a business I stay focused and committed and gave it a 2 year goal and for me if I can build in a swamp, It can be easy to teach my team how to build in the white sands.
Take care, God Bless & to your Continued Success!
Your friend in Truth & Light,
Ronnie Branch
Ronnie Branch

cvfulche, You probably did not invest 2.6 years and make calls for 4-8 hours a day and study a lot and become consistent. I stay positive and understand there is an energy in the world. The energy I felt here at the time was everything against what I’m used to doing that got me to the level I did.
I have given out $2000-$4000 dollars in helping others and have given my generosity even when I realized it was time to build a new business. If you watch enough of my videos you will know where my true heart lies in wanting to help others.
Anyways God Bless Brother!
Your friend in Truth & Light,
Ronnie Branch
Ronnie Branch

Richard likes to further express his feelings add more words about me. Richard Everybody I deal with I am humble and loving to others why makes you think I’m any different then you? I worked hard to take my wife to the convention seeing her struggle, unlike the masses I became the warrior to make things happen so I can help others.
I was overjoyed to reward myself a moment in triumph! I have helped more people then I care to count! You do not know me or have ever worked with me. I can provide more testimonials about people who love and praise me then people like you who twist words around to think I’m some evil doer…
Watch my 77 day challenge and listen to the countless others who actually love my soul. You dwell on things and take things far out from proportion and twist words. I’m sure the Lord does not like it when people dwell on things like a man grinding teeth.
They say as others become more successful people become more jealous and naturally hate. In the bible it says Thou shalt not covet.
God Bless!
Your friend in Truth & Light,
Ronnie Branch

Wow Ronnie I can’t even believe what I am reading. I have never twisted anything you have said. I copy and paste what I am addressing so that there is no misunderstanding just as I am going to do now.
Please explain this QUOTE “Richard Everybody I deal with I am humble and loving to others why makes you think I’m any different then you?” yet as the paragraphs continue you go on to brag about every thing you have done.
1) “I was overjoyed to reward myself a moment in triumph! I have helped more people then I care to count!”
2) “I have given out $2000-$4000 dollars in helping others and have given my generosity even when I realized it was time to build a new business.”
3) “I can provide more testimonials about people who love and praise me then people like you who twist words around to think I’m some evil doer…”
4) “Watch my 77 day challenge and listen to the countless others who actually love my soul.”
Here are just 4 examples of you bragging of your accomplishments and your following. Humility and bragging are exact opposites.
Ronnie as I said before you have one set of rules for yourself and another set for the entire world. You called me a loser and a negative person over and over and when I brought that to your attention you completely ignore it and just keep going on that you Ronnie Branch has had a hard way to go and no one before you or after you will ever overcome what you have.
Quote “They say as others become more successful people become more jealous and naturally hate. In the bible it says Thou shalt not covet.”
If you think for one second that I hate you or am jealous of you or anyone else that has become successful , then you really need to come in out of the sun. I admire people that succeed and if you would have ever read my posts you would have knew that.
Actually Ronnie I really feel very sorry for you, I can not recall meeting or talking to anyone that has as closed of a mind as you. You should go back and read all of the posts that you yourself posted and the ones that I posted and you will see all the contradictions that you have made and also see that you started attacking me a long time ago. I only started after you can back a month ago. I honestly don’t know if you understand what you have said. At any rate I knew a fellow that was very wise and he once told me that “You can’t teach anything to a person that already knows everything” I think he was talking about you.
Remember this also Ronnie “Every time you speak your mind goes on parade”
As always Ronnie I wish you the best and you are in my prayers
Ronnie Branch

Richard, You seem to have an issue on thinking of me calling you a loser. I honestly don’t recall of hammering that message hard in all my messages. Honestly I think you perhaps may have a low self esteem to let things bother you. In life and business we are to never let things bother us and I take constructive criticism not personally because building a million dollar business is serious business. It has life changing results and leaders like myself and possibly yourself if you are a leader should not need to concern ourselves with such affairs.
If I ever felt I was wrong about something and or in the spirit I’m always happy to apologize. You use the words Brag & Loser and these are words that are not in Ronnie Branch’s vocabulary. I ignore things that I feel and see in others actions. You have come to the berry tree a lot and I know its personal when you can invest time doing something else. I personally would not of done what you have and engage in long conversations about this company. I am over it now and have moved on quickly Many people would quit network marketing in seeing the things I have seen but because of the nature of my ways I kept moving to produce good fruits. I had 6 calls over the past weekend about people interested in working with me in my new business and wanting leadership because they Know Ronnie Branch is serious about helping others.
One gentleman was a CEO he has a huge database and wants to work with me. That is exciting. See Richard when we focus on staying strong positive things always and will come our way. I teach my team to be strong and to not take anything ever personal.
I helped 2 people break out to the next level and earning a average income of $11,000 per year while you been posting in this thread since my time back here in bahama’s. Again not here to get rewards, I am very serious about success and while I wash off my wounds with nutronix & berry tree I know there is hope.
Richard I think your a nice guy and honestly I’d like for us to be friends at least and maybe someday work together if it is the lords decision. I know you have been hurt as I Have. I know you have christ in your heart from your messages of saying i’m in your prayers.
Why don’t you add me on skype message sometime we can chat and I can almost bet you after a hearty conversation things will be anew that is the way I like things as I’m sure you do.
I realize I can’t please everybody with my choice of words, however I am willing to rationalize and work things out. I am confident people respect my words, in the end all I can be is the example in helping others realize their dreams and be myself.
Take care Richard God Bless Brother!
Your friend in Truth & Light,
Ronnie Branch
Skype: ronniebranch