Ronnie Branch is still carrying on with loads of nonsensical bible verses trying to blackmail into taking this thread down. I think we should tell the whole story of Ronnie Branch in his own words:
Your Goals – The Journey +

Business strategy in your Business

In today’s video I talk on a deep level about setting your goals. Having your goals laid out helps paint the vision which in turn helps you go on the journey that being your dream. This sounds good but along the way you’ll find it will be a bumpy and stormy ride and the ones who formulate a business strategy will be the ones on top of things. Enjoy my video and I’ll see you on my next video.
Another $162 dollar Payment came in today and almost 250 leads.
The Cash & leads just keeps coming… Let me help you !
Today I just got paid $162 dollars with this zero investment program. I’ve generated over 250 leads and made a total of $640 dollars and it continues to grow. In this video I also talk about some important steps one must take to duplicate my success. Enjoy this video and I’ll see you on my next one.
November 25th, 2010

Diversify income is Today’s Topic for Entrepreneurs – Words of Wisdom by Ronnie Branch

In Today’s video I talk about Diversify income. We have all heard that keeping a strong focus is key to succeeding in one, but what we also don’t hear enough is that life is not a smooth sail even if one remains focused. I’ve mentioned that many times in my videos in the past and the one thing I’ve noticed in my journey as being an entrepreneur is limiting yourself to becoming a stronger entrepreneur. People get sick and die, people have a change of heart and many things can go wrong regardless of your hard work and the question is have you prepared yourself? Well for me I actually did not come prepared but I take massive action seeing the importance of this topic. Being a business leader it is about keeping things real and helping you avoid landfalls or any promised dreams as many know I am a man of keeping things real ensuring others never have to go through what I ever go through. I explain and share my thoughts in this video cast but in conclusion I have come to realize that diversification is absolutely key to ultimately reaching greater levels as an entrepreneur. Enjoy the video cast and I’ll see you in my next one.
Branding and making a name for yourself in Business Words of Wisdom By Ronnie Branch

Tonight I talk about making a name for yourself and becoming a leader. In business we often get caught in the cloud of confusion thinking we cannot do it when in fact we can. I say that because if we elect to keep staying consistent and climbing our way to becoming more successful we will find it keeps getting easier. This ultimately is the process that one must do to build their brand and their name. I get deep about this in tonight’s topic be sure to hear it and get inspired through my words that there is hope for as long as you keep your feet and motion and make the decision to never quit. I’ll see you in my next video.
{Comedy} Granny Can’t believe Jimbo The Marketer made $972 & 73 signups – 330leads in 1 month in this funny comedy hit!

Today is a fun comedy day as Granny can’t believe Jimbo the marketer is making serious money in the free cash program. She wants him to find a job at Mcdonald’s but Jimbo refuses as he is determine to make success work despite his past lack of success. This is a fictional comedy story with one of my comedy characters known as Jimbo the Marketer as I also play the role as Granny… Enjoy the big laughs in this comedy hit!

Ronnie Branch
Daily Paypal Payments! Another $162 Came today to my Paypal with this Zero Investment Program

Today another $162 dollar Paypal payment came today and later in the video I reveal some powerful golden nuggets when it comes to marketing do not miss out on the later part of the video. I also thought about going to the hospital last night as something had happened to me. You’ll hear what happened in the video. Thanks for your concerns to all my friends and partners. I’ll see you in my next video cast.
Ronnie Branch
Being Humble – Good Leadership Qualities in treating others right

Today’s message about being humble and treating others right was inspired by some events that have happened to me recently. This message is the most important message to hear and if you can really hone in on this message and do it many things will be added to your life.
Here is a quote I love and wanted to share
“To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.”
Charles de Montesquieu Enjoy today’s message
Ronnie Branch
How to get 5-30 Leads Daily as

Explained by Ronnie Branch

Today I go over a nice overview providing clarity on how to generate 5-30 leads daily for your business. Making this happen is easier then you think once you develop the proper skill sets and apply what is being taught in this video. Although this is a general overview, the way to get access to all my trainings one would need to subscribe to my free cash site as I have invested 5 days building a training platform so others can duplicate my success.......
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