It's currently 8 minutes to 12 noon here in the UK.

I've been searching for "Brighton news" for a little while, in the expectation that Reuters (or someone) would have picked up on the very significant event happening on Brighton beach at noon. Not found anything yet, but of course it's early days.

The weather forecast, according to the BBC, is 24C, sunshine and clouds. Should be a perfect day down there! I can feel the excitement building.

Oddly enough, there's no poictures on our new friend Sunil's FB page, which is a bit of a shock, as I though he would be almost live feeding the good news back to it; so the whole WORLD could see and get the message. Not a dicky bird as yet.

Gosh, I hope it's all going well, and there's not been a bit of a bundle between the ardent Monsooners and disgruntled ex-members who have lost their money and feel a bit cheated. That would never do, to have unseemly fights breaking out on Brighton Beach.

And by the above, of course I mean .