The Captains and Fred Fok did a webinar to kick off 2020. King Jayms promised the leaders would never lie to their members, and then proceeded to do just that. But then the believers don't know they are being lied to about the current status of OneLife. King Jayms is good at finding selective videos of Ruja talking but conveniently leaves out the videos that totally contradict the videos he does show.

In the webinar all they do is mention that Konstantin was taken into custody by the US Authorities, but conveniently leave out that he pled guilty to the four charges against him. That he testified and provided states evidence in Mark Scott's money laundering trial for which Mark was found guilty. Can't have these inconvenient truths being told to the members. I have to admit that most of the presentation was comedic gold. Here's the link to the video: YouTube Just don't be drinking any liquid when watching on you could ruin a monitor and keyboard.