
Online Profit System Identity Crisis!

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Online Profit System looks to be the newest up and coming fake-coaching-lead-gen. Unfortunately, poor Online-Profit-System.com is experiencing an identity crisis:

It's actually an old, old, "friend"...Online Income Solution.

It even includes the same type of magic non-guarantee verbiage:

Hopefully you won't be giving Online Profit System a *dishonest try*, because then you won't get your refund.

And you KNOW it HAS to be legit, because the site claims that it's #1 and even provides some magazine covers that have nothing to do with Online Profit System:

Yes, Online Profit System is #1 for nothing at all really. In fact the magazine they list - Entrepreneur - doesn't rank businesses as #1, #2, #3, etc....although I guess Online Profit System might be a "number two" (if you know what I mean).

This "wonderful" product is put out by iNet Squared, Ltd which is related to another company named iNet Cubed, Ltd., because which I suppose they chose because cubed sounded "cooler" than "square". ;-) And when you're cool you can show people how to have Automated Paydays!
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