Quote Originally Posted by joymtimmons View Post
My dance skills has nothing to do with of what the hell you are talking about. How would you like if I posted your information all over the internet. You do not know anything in full details about me. I am a good person and who does not spread lies like you do about people. I am not a theft. Get your facts straight. You are lucky that I am not your mother.
Correct, your dance skills do having nothing to do with the scam that got you posted on this site.
But it is theft, Joy, and you are in serious denial of that fact. Your pride is also harming you. Try humility and honesty, two things which I see little of among the Millionaire Mailer gang. I hope that you didn't follow Sam Randle into Synergy Wealth as well. That scheme already has a Federal restraining order hanging over it like the Sword of Damocles, courtesy of Telexfree.

Now on to the naming and shaming. Again. And this time, you asked for it by your own misbehavior.