I'm back to see how much this thread evolved. Not much action even though Bitcoin and the crypto world is literally the easiest and most legit way of making money online.
I don't have an affiliate network, no email lists to send spam to. Only an ever deeper understanding of this stuff.
This is the number one dream gig for antisocial types. No need to lick the customers' asses just to sell some bullshit weight loss cream or pill.
If you get fatigued by too much human interaction this thing can be done solo.
Lots of people are unable to make a buck in even legit MLMs because they lack the people skills.
Doing the same lengthy sales pitch like a parrot over and over with less than 1 percent conversion rate is exhausting.
This is for those people who can't be bothered with the magic cures and plastic nonsense only fools would buy.
Or the sect like climate of MLM groups. I have been to numerous MLM seminars and the brainwashing is always the same. Like, "we are a family" and such while it's always a den of snakes.
I guess snakes have families too.
No need to dress up like Jehova's witnesses to preach about the best apple peeler.
The smarter and luckier ones have already made a life changing amount of money just by knowing trends and taking action in time.
The adoption curve is exponential just like in the case of the internet or any other disruptive technology.
This is nothing more than technology and you cannot go wrong by investing in relevant tech.
Bitcoin alone went up by 1000% since my last visit. Read the writing on the wall!
Corporate is going mad about buying, volume and therefore liquidity is through the roof.
Wall street has entered the game.
It was indeed foolish to miss a 1000% return. I mean do you guys hate money or what?
Don't make the same mistake twice.
At least get some Bitcoin and ETH.

Do yourself a favor and read the whitepaper.