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Thread: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

  1. #776
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    Quote Originally Posted by Char View Post
    Multi-level marketing is scamming. MLMer=Scammer. Therefore, why would anyone trust anything an admitted scammer/MLMer says?

    Imagine a con artist claiming he’s a con artist, and then someone believing his spiel and giving him their money. That’s crazy!

    The spiel is irrelevant to the goal of the con man getting the money. The spiel or product is merely a tool to execute the crime.

    MLM inherently defaults to pyramid scheming, and that is a crime. The tool or weapon (product) used doesn’t change that.

    MLM-ing is not a product, it is pyramid scheming.

    Why is this so hard for people to grasp?!!!!!
    Yeah but greed and desperation are powerful emotions that keep pulling people in...!
    It seems like in this "industry" common sense is not all that common!

  2. #777
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    And the defections from OneLife continue with some major GLG leaders jumping ship.

    Dusan Torbica, who was the one who got Igro Krnic into OneCoin announced his leaving. Damien Barnes and Eka Sunaryo announced they were out. Kamonsirinut Tanyasup resigned, then one of the major GLG leaders and major promoter of OneCoin Peter Hjelte resigned. Sooula McCormick, Jesse Choi, and Arto Ylitalo followed suit and resigned.

    What do they all have in common, other than their blind devotion to OneCoin? They all met with Vesselina and learned what was really going on with OneCoin/OneLife. They learned that Konstantin had pled guilty and declared OneCoin was all a lie from day one. One of their biggest issues was Ruja not defending OneCoin/OneLife by remaining in hiding.

    Of course they all realized that they had put themselves into possible jeopardy of legal action if they stayed, so they got out. A few of them will be joining Vesselina in her new program called Invicta. Wonder what they will do if Vesselina gets arrested for her part in the OneCoin/OneLife Ponzi? Funny how none of them have thought of that possibility isn't it.

    As usual, those who refuse to believe OneCoin/OneLife was nothing but a Ponzi have attacked them for leaving. Even after they gave a full explanation as to why the left. All went to Sofia and talked to Vesselina and the family before making their decision. They based their reasoning on facts, not wishes and just believing. Cultism on full display for all to see, except them.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  3. #778
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    The OneLife GLG members leaving has picked up steam. More and more are leaving each day. They all see the handwriting on the wall except the die-hard believers. Immediately they have gone from heroes to zeroes and are now labeled "haters" their favorite term for anyone who dares say anything remotely negative about OC/OL. These aren't just your typical GLG members. They are blue diamonds and black diamonds that have left.

    You would think people would want to know what they know that they don't and figure out that things are not as Simon Le and King Jayms have led everyone to believe they are. It should also point out that none of them have any confidence in Simon Le or King Jayms' leadership because they know they are lying to the members. I see the defections picking up steam not slowing down as more and more become aware of the truth of what is going on with OneLife. At least 12 more have left in just under a week.

    What I found fascinating is that they are all saying exactly the same thing for why they left. Their swan song for leaving sounds more like they are talking to law enforcement than their followers as for why they are leaving. I guess they think it will resolve them from any action against them by the authorities. They are in for a rude surprise if law enforcement wants to go that far down the food chain to bring charges. They all could face criminal charges for their role in OC/OL. No doubt 2020 is going to be one very interesting year for OneLife, or what's left of it.

    Order your popcorn now, get plenty of liquid refreshment on hand and settle in your comfy arm chair and enjoy the show, for it is going to be a blockbuster show.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  4. #779
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    The OneCoin faithful always accuse us "haters" of making things up, taking things out of context, distorting facts, cutting and pasting content to make it what we want it to say not what was really said, you get the picture.

    Well, here's a video from the believer's and let's see how many contradictions and outright lies you can find: YouTube

    This would be even funnier if it wasn't so sad they actually believe this nonsense.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  5. #780
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    The Captains and Fred Fok did a webinar to kick off 2020. King Jayms promised the leaders would never lie to their members, and then proceeded to do just that. But then the believers don't know they are being lied to about the current status of OneLife. King Jayms is good at finding selective videos of Ruja talking but conveniently leaves out the videos that totally contradict the videos he does show.

    In the webinar all they do is mention that Konstantin was taken into custody by the US Authorities, but conveniently leave out that he pled guilty to the four charges against him. That he testified and provided states evidence in Mark Scott's money laundering trial for which Mark was found guilty. Can't have these inconvenient truths being told to the members. I have to admit that most of the presentation was comedic gold. Here's the link to the video: YouTube Just don't be drinking any liquid when watching on you could ruin a monitor and keyboard.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  6. #781
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    New Year's day saw another webinar from Fred Fok, King Jayms and Simon Le. The majority of the webinar was done by King Jayms, which basically said very little but he did reveal on interesting fact. He said, and I quote: If Simon and myself did not go to Sofia, Bulgaria, the company would have been closed. The mission that Habib had set out to do to crash the company would have been successful, leaving his option as the so called ‘only option’. But we spoiled those plans."

    So we have them to thank for OneLife to be able to continue to steal people's money a little while longer. I just love it when the crooks incriminate themselves on video for all to see and hear. Nothing like making the authorities case for them. But then Simon, Fred and King Jayms are not the brightest bulbs in the lamp.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  7. #782
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    Quote Originally Posted by EagleOne View Post
    New Year's day saw another webinar from Fred Fok, King Jayms and Simon Le. The majority of the webinar was done by King Jayms, which basically said very little but he did reveal on interesting fact. He said, and I quote: If Simon and myself did not go to Sofia, Bulgaria, the company would have been closed. The mission that Habib had set out to do to crash the company would have been successful, leaving his option as the so called ‘only option’. But we spoiled those plans."

    So we have them to thank for OneLife to be able to continue to steal people's money a little while longer. I just love it when the crooks incriminate themselves on video for all to see and hear. Nothing like making the authorities case for them. But then Simon, Fred and King Jayms are not the brightest bulbs in the lamp.
    Probably need to stick a match in their ears...looks like their pilot lights are out!
    It seems like in this "industry" common sense is not all that common!

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  9. #783
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    Well, the rose color is coming off the glasses for another GLG member and DS merchant. this was the swan song of Guy New from Australia, a major player there, and I quote:

    "To whom it may concern.

    I Guy New, GLG member from Adelaide, Australia joined OneLife in late 2017. As a significant DS Merchant in Australia (Ninja Property Solutions), being the first to provide House and Land packages in the belief that the much talked about Ecosystem be completed with an “exchange” so property sales could be facilitated. I have supported all three Expos in Australia as a Key Note Merchant and was organiser and host for regular weekly Dealshaker info/training nights and monthly Bazaars in Adelaide.

    OneLife to me was a wonderful opportunity for both business and personally. However in 2019 since the detainment of Konstintin, the failure of the NewDealshaker, the BBC podcast, dodgy cash dealings from various Diamonds, failure of the promised Exchange in September, then finally Konstintin testifying against OL/OC for the DOJ in the US, Plus division within the top leaders of OL, no support and no staff to manage the company etc etc.

    As a successful finder and promoter of Quality Merchants, I was being told by both new and old Merchants that OL/OC was no longer good for their business reputations as the “google world” was awash with TOXIC bad news. Even the local Australian Governing body “ASIC” warned against OL/OC.
    In understanding the overall success of OL/OC was solely dependent on new Merchants, new IMA’s and the DS platform and now realising the chance of success was rapidly diminishing. With a heavy heart I declare today that I Guy New relinquish my GLG status with OL/OC and will no longer represent, endorse or promote OL, OC, DS as an IMA or Merchant.

    Lastly to all the fantastic people I have meet in these past 2 years I wish you all well and declare that I am not a “HATER” that your leaders preach. If you are confused or unsure, I ask you all to look at all the facts and do your own due diligence, ask and get answers for the hard questions and please don’t get misled with the new proposed changes and by the WAH WAH and Evangelistic HOO HAR!

    Regards and Blessings to all Guy New"

    As usual the obligatory "I am not a hater" rhetoric in their swan songs. They are more afraid they will be branded a hater than for telling the truth, being branded a traitor and admitting OC was a Ponzi. But then that means he had to admit that all of us "haters" were right all along. They are all spineless wimps.

    His leaving is a tremendous blow to the Australian remaining merchants, especially those he brought into DS. Now it remains to be seen how many of them remain or leave like he has. Now the question is who's next to see the light and announce their leaving because we know there will be more.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  10. #784
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    Here's the new game plan for OneLife and to save the company, and I quote:

    "Here's a look at what was discussed at yesterday's meeting. Now there are new core teams to which leaders report. Core teams are responsible for:

    King Jayms - responsible for the OneLife Network and the OneLife Core Group.
    Simon Le - in charge of OneForex.
    Fred Fok - in charge of DealShaker.
    Muhammad Adeel - Responsible for the Legal, Compliance, Media and Communication teams.

    These groups have their own working groups. No more team names like Onelife Dream Team, One Concept etc. are used anymore. Instead, teams are called by country eg OneLife UK, OneLife Vietnam, OneLife Pakistan etc. Country franchisees are now called Country Managers. This helps to eliminate the strict legal requirements that franchisees have to comply with in different countries.

    By January 12, DS Country Leaders have provided a report on the number of registered merchants, trades and DS transactions in their area of responsibility, an action plan, and a three-year forecast of the region's development. The prospective candidate may provide the same information for open countries. The DealShaker Executive Committee sends the reports to the captain, who discusses and updates the information with the company, which will decide on the franchisee's future results.

    New slides are being produced for the OneLife Network to market OneLife and launch a home-based online business. The material emphasizes that we are a global company and the map shows the total number of countries. It incorporates OneLife's mission: OneLife enables the global online user community to actively participate in the development and use of new high-tech and digital products and services. The aim is to improve the quality of life of its members, provide alternative and equitable access to practical and relevant economic education for people worldwide. Ignites the natural evolution of education, creates opportunities for economic growth and creates new markets. Within the performance, people are encouraged to study with us for at least a year. These slides will soon be available to members via backoffice and all share the same presentation worldwide.

    On a country-by-country basis, you are requested to inform and update the OneLife Core Team on a weekly 90-day business presentation date.
    The ONE ONE ECOSYSTEM International Event is on its way, all members want to participate and should be marketed in all groups.

    The new packages have been launched on January 18, 2012. These are called Newlife and Newlife plus packages. The Newlife Package includes 140 € + 5500 € + 7500 € training packages, five splits, auto mining and all splits at once. The Newlife plus package consists of 140 € + 5500 € + 13750 €, six splits, auto mining and all splits at once."

    Let me translate for you. We have discovered a new way to con you and steal even more of your money. We believe you are all too stupid to realize OneCoin is dead. There are no coins and there never was any mining happening.

    It is now just a matter of time before this too will collapse but in the meantime we going to continue to lie to you and steal as much from yo as we can before we have to announce our efforts to save the company failed because you the members and the merchants didn't do your part to save the company. It's not our fault.
    Last edited by EagleOne; 04-05-2020 at 10:46 AM.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

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  12. #785
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    There has been an ongoing discussion on one of the OneLife groups about why no exchange and the change in course to requiring 1 million merchants and 10 million members before an exchange will launch. Of course the defense is the new direction is needed to keep the usability of OneCoin through DealShaker to keep the price of OC from falling. They point to other fake crypto-currencies that went to an exchange and their price tanked, well according to them. The ones wanting the exchange now disagree.

    Of course the mantra has always been you have to believe in the vision of Dr. Ruja. And only those that are now running the show have that vision now. One of the posters wasn't too happy with their answers as to why no exchange now and why they were NOT following Dr Ruja's vision. The answer was the members did not read and learn from their One Academy educational material, but were just promised riches from buying OneCoin. The new leadership is following Ruja's vision. To which the question was raised why did Dr. Ruja say there would be an exchange in 2018 if that was not the way to go? Another poster summed it up best and said, quote:

    "if i understood your reasoning correctly, dr ruja was wrong to want to launch an exchange in 2018, she probably learned her oneacademy badly."

    Brilliant and funny answer all at the same time. Can't wait to see the comments to the post.

    I should point out that the One Academy Educational Material was claimed to have been written by none other than Dr. Ruja herself. So this is why the response was so brilliant and in your face to the value of the One Academy educational material.

    What has also been forgotten is that when this educational material was released, it was proven that she plagiarized the vast majority of the information instead of writing it all herself as claimed.
    Last edited by EagleOne; 01-21-2020 at 02:47 PM.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  13. #786
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    The OneLife faithful have started a couple of Telegram Support groups. It makes no difference which group you read, only positive things are allowed. No negative or haters welcome. If it remotely sounds negative, the post is deleted, or if deemed really negative the post is not only deleted but the member is banned.

    When Igor Krnic has his blog, it was pretty much the same way, although he did allow us "haters" to post our disagreements, albeit within limits and reason, but at least we got our points across. One of the main posters who relished getting our posts deleted or getting us temporarily or permanently banned was a poster by the name of detroyer. Yes that is not a spelling error. I provided some of his most colorful posts about yours truly here in this thread.

    Well, it seems that detroyer wanted to enter the discussion of the Exchange in the OneLife & DS Info Group. The group leaders don't want anyone talking about or asking about the exchange. If you harp on it they delete your posts and ban you from the group. So detroyer, being the good "believer" in Ruja's vision for OneCoin, posted this in that thread, and I quote:

    "Exchange is needed for several reasons.

    1- To set the real price of the coin in a real public market (supply and demand) and not set the price in private.

    2- The European laws that came into force from 10/01/2020 require full transparency of the companies that operate in the cryptcurrency industry (declaration of assets, taxation and tax on the wealth and hearing of crypto companies by the financial authorities).

    3- Allocation of crypto wallets to ones owners (now onelife members are just a mlm network that have fictitious accounts on websites that anyone can block or freeze, this situation looks like a hostage taking of millions of members on a boat (do what I say or leave the ship in the middle of a shark-infested ocean).

    4- If we want to make one the future of payment, the leaders who are to carry out the one project must be graduates and experts in finance and Blockchain, international trade and IT.

    5- If the company will have to be led by MLM leaders then the advantage of commissions and network will be the priority of these leaders before any other economic vision, technological or public exchange, because the secret is that the exchange and remittance will be the end of onelife network and the mlm.

    (in 2014 the founder Dr. Ruja didn't want to insert the MLM into her vision but Sebastian persuaded Dr Ruja to launch the coin with mlm, and today we see the results, investigations and arrests in the rank of the network in lot of countries, disappearance of Dr Ruja, leaks of mlm leaders and they abandoned their downlines after make money, like Igor Alberts, Kari, steinkeller brothers, Zafar, Habib, Gordo and Mariana Lopez, and others.....

    - Who will be the next to leave the project onecoin to launch his own project and try to steal the network ??
    - Who will be the next captain?? another mlm leader ??

    many question that the members can ask and the answer will be... don't be negative, haters, troll, you can leave ..... No No No guys !! Don't take members for stupid.

    Unfortunately in my mind, Exchange and Remittance will never launch with the actual team.

    - You're talking about haters??

    - Do you know them??

    - What have you done to stop their attacks and spams?

    - What are the company's lawyers waiting for to sue them for defamation??

    - Why isn't there a competent IT to develop websites able to give good onecoin advertising and accelerating the approval of kyc and kyb??

    - Why are there no financial experts able to analyze the one market at the opening of the exchange??

    - Who is the onecoin's CEO?

    - I can continue to ask questions, but all these questions will unanswered.

    my friendships to Igor krnic, flatrate, Trueadvocate, swissandrew, john reiner, Slobodanbodan, that I salute and who were my brothers fighting against haters Tim curry, cryptoxpose, Eagleone and others, on the ''Onecoin-debate.com'' forum of Igor krnic.

    Best regards

    Within minutes of his posting his comments, the post was deleted, and from what I can tell he was banned from the group. So much for tolerance of ideas. His cardinal sin, he told the truth and denigrated the founders and the new team leaders. Major no-no. Reading the thread at the time he posted this was Fred Fok and King Jayms. No coincidence that he was banned so quickly.

    What is funny to me is that he said what all of us "haters" were saying all along. But I can tell you that in his minds eye he didn't even realize he was proving our points we were saying in Igor's thread that he denigrated us 'haters.' Talk bout poetic justice and irony.

    If you want to get a taste of just how he posted on Igor's blog, scroll back a few pages and you will see him in action. As the old saying goes, "what goes around comes around;" and it came full circle on him. Now he knows what it is like to tell the truth and being banned for doing so.
    Last edited by EagleOne; 07-07-2020 at 10:57 PM.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  14. #787
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    After the big announcement that Simon Le and King Jayms were the new Co-Captains of OneLife, there was a flurry of expos being held across SE Asia. Their whole purpose was to promote DealShaker and get more merchants to join and accept OneCoin as part of their payment for their goods or services. Fred Fok, Simon and King Jayms were all over the place touting they had to build the OneCoin ecosystem through DealShaker before there could be an exchange. The next big push was in Latin America which was spearheaded by Julien Zerbini.

    While there were many expos being held, the results were not as great as they expected. Despite putting all the positive spin on them as they could, the numbers weren't adding up to building the "ecosystem" of OneCoin. Then there were rumblings that things were not going well within the new management team. Finally two days ago it was announced that Simon Le had left OC. It wasn't even announced by King Jayms or Fred Fok, but by Blue Diamond Thanh Duong. Supposedly he is to continue as an IMA. Translation, I am scared to death that I am next to be arrested and am hoping by my leaving they will leave me alone.

    Then on the heels of this announcement, the Tanzania Court joins USA in also Ruling Onecoin a Ponzi Scheme and Money Laundering Operation. Frank Ricketts company IMS found GUILTY of money laundering and operating Ponzi Scheme via Onecoin. You can read about it here: 17bn/- pyramid scheme cash now confiscated

    To counter all this negative news, OC announced that the price of OC has increased to 42.43€ from 29.95€; and they brought back the WonderWheel with a chance to win up to 50%, 75%, 100% or 200% tokens. It has been said that one of the reasons why Simon Le left was the increased of over 40% in the OC internal value. He felt it was too unrealistic and too big of a jump in value that it would deter merchants from signing up. None of this can be confirmed if true, but personally I think he woke up that the new push to "save OC" was failing miserably and that the US authorities were going to be coming after the new leadership team and they would be facing criminal charges like Konstantin.

    Now the question remains how long before Fred Fok bails, even though he is not part of the management team, but is one of the major presenters to get the merchants joining OC. One of Fred's problems is that he thrives on praise and the Chinese market was giving him praise for his insight and techniques to get merchants to signup for DealShaker. It's an ego thing for him. He loves the praise and adulation which makes him feel is more important than he really is within OC. King Jayms is a totally different character. Personally I don't see him leaving but going down with the ship. Again his Ego will be his downfall, and he could be facing criminal charges for his role in OC.

    Needless to say 2020 is going to be one interesting year for all the major players in OC and how the US Justice System is going to deal with all of them. The COVID19 situation has definitely slowed things down from the authorities taking action, I do see things ramping up once the threat has been neutralized. The last 4 months of 2020 are going to be telling as to who and how many of the OC's are charged and arrested. This is far, far, far from being over. In fact it is just beginning.

    One good thing that has come out of the coronavirus (COVID19) is that it shut down all the expos that OC leaders were holding. They had to resort to video expos and they have bombed. They couldn't put pressure on the merchants to join like they could in a live setting, so recruiting has almost come to a standstill.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  15. #788
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    When Sebastian Greenwood was arrested in Thailand and extradited back to the US, his whereabouts had remained a mystery. We knew he was in custody, but he was not showing up on the Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate Registry. Well, his whereabouts is a mystery no longer. He will have a pretrial conference on June 3, 2020. He was originally supposed to have this conference on April 3, but the Government requested adjournment due to the Government providing additional material to the defendant for review.

    Konstantin was to have had his sentencing hearing on April 8, but that was pushed back to July 8, as the Government said that he was not done yet with fulfilling his obligation for his plea deal. Now we might know why. He will be a key witness in Sebastian's case I am sure of it. If Sebastian has already pled guilty, which it is believed he has, K would be providing evidence for Sebastian's sentencing hearing.

    Now the question is who is next to face charges? Veska, K's mother was in NYC. Why is not known, but speculation abounds as to why. Some say to visit with her son, others imply she is not free to roam about, others speculate she is in custody. What we do know is we don't know. We do know that while she is in NYC, the Sofia office is closed, the lights are out, and no-one is inside.

    And just think, this is only April. One can imagine who's next to be charged and go to trial, as well as how many more before this is all over with criminal charges.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  16. #789
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    As per the unsealed filing, Greenwood was indicted as “Karl Sebastian Greenwood” by a grand jury on February 6th, 2018. Everyone was searching for Sebastian Greenwood, not Karl Sebastian Greenwood in the US Prison System, thus why he was not found. He was there all along just hiding in plain sight. He has been confined at NY MCC Jail.

    Greenwood’s indictment details five counts of fraud: conspiracy to commit wire fraud; wire fraud; conspiracy to commit money laundering; conspiracy to commit securities fraud; and securities fraud.

    When Konstantin was arrested, in his criminal complaint WC-1 was referenced, and our thinking was Sebastian was WC-1. With this new information, it is clear that WC-1 being referenced was not Sebastian at all. It is possible in that instance WC-1 may have been Gilbert Armenta who has been cooperating with the Feds.

    In the “Overt Acts” section of the indictment, two unnamed co-conspirators are referenced:

    On or about July 1, 2015, GREENWOOD sent an email to a co-conspirator not named herein (“CC-1”), stating in part, “I thought this could go out tonight, problem is I don’t have the access to send out to the members,” and attaching a document which announced a July 4, 2015 online webinar hosted by CC-1 and others to mark the official opening of the United States market for OneCoin.

    On or about July 4, 2015, CC-1 participated in an online webinar, later posted to YouTube.com, in which CC-1 announced the official opening of the United States market for OneCoin.

    On or about August 18, 2015, in order to purchase a OneCoin package, at the direction of a second co-conspirator not named herein (“CC-2”), a victim residing in the United States wired approximately $5,548 through a correspondent bank located in New York, New York, to benefit a bank account held in the name of “oneCoin Ltd.,” opened at the direction of CC-1 at Mashreq Bank in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    As for who is “CC-2”, that’s wide open. We do know that CC-2 would have to be someone promoting OneCoin in the US in 2015, who was also high profile enough to be named a co-conspirator. This leaves Sal Leto; self-appointed “Operation Mgr/ Master Distributor USA,” Glenn Smith; Tom McMurrain; Denis Murdock; and a few others as possibilities. It will be interesting to see just who is CC-2, and it won't be long until we find out.

    On April 6th Greenwood’s pretrial conference was rescheduled for June 3rd. Kontsantin had his sentencing hearing postponed until July 8 in part to the government saying he had not completed his required services pertinent to his plea deal. No doubt this is because of his testifying against Sebastian Greenwood in his trial, unless Sebastian does a plea deal.

    Expect more indictments, arrests and trials for the remainder of 2020 and into 2021 and possibly 2022 before this saga is over. Just too many big fish left that have not been indicted or charged. Some on that potential list are: Veska Ignatov (Ruja's mother); Frank Ricketts; Frank Schneider; Irina Dilkinska; Ken Nordlund; Chris Principe; Ed Ludbrook; and Kari Wahlroos; with the possibly of a few others.

    Then it will be interesting to see if they go after the big winners: Juha Parhiala, Steinkeller Brothers, Igor Alberts & Andreea Cimbala, Aslam Brothers, Simon Le, Habib Zahid, Maurice Katz, Tom McMurrain, Denis Murdock, Jose Gordo, Muhammad Zafar, and possibly a few others.

    As you can see, this is far, far, far, far from being over. In fact it is just starting. Can't wait to see who is the next indicted and charged. Going to be a fun year.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  17. #790
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    When it was announced that Simon Le had left OneCoin, there were several different stories that were being told. Like all the other major pimps to leave this sinking ship, there were multiple stories as to the "why" they left. The real reason was there was no more money to be made from recruitment and there was never going to be a launch of OC on any exchange anywhere.

    One of the stories that was floated was Simon had a big meeting with Veska, Ruja's mother, who is now said to be running the OC ship, and they had a heated exchange and he resigned because he did not get his way. Seems he was trying to take his own crypto-coin and make it part of OC and Veska said no.

    Now it has been learned that Simon Le is launching his own version of OC, yeah I know another in a long list of former OC pimps that declared their allegiance forever to OC and Ruja that sailed off to try and start their own fake OC. Well, the company announced this in their newsletter, and I quote:


    The company has taken the decision of zero tolerance for any individuals or entity promoting or involved in activities that are in direct conflict with our OneEcoSystem. After much negotiations with Mr. Simon Le to prevent or dissuade him from resigning, we have come to understand that his reason for leaving is to focus on a project that he is spare heading and leading.

    This project is in direct conflict with everything the OneEcoSystem and brand stands for. This has forced us to take the position of zero tolerance against Mr. Le and any of his associates, particularly since the project is an attempt at cloning our system. Added to this, the intent is to mislead our members into joining his new (copycat) coin. We deem his actions to be a direct conflict of interest. We are warning that such actions will prompt us to freeze accounts that violate our Terms and Conditions."

    What I found amusing about this warning is that every time one of the former IMA's or pimps of OC as I call them trotted off to start their own fake crypto-currency, they issued this warning. Yet most didn't listen or flat out didn't care since OC had not traded on an exchange as had been promised for 5 years and the new rip-offs were at least being traded on a public exchange.

    It will be interesting to see if Simon actually launches a real crypto-currency or it is just another in a long line of fake OC wannabe's trying to steal as much money as possible before it too fails. What will also be interesting is to see if he tries to incorporate a DealShaker type of program to go with his coin. He was put in charge of the OC FOREX program, so not sure if he will just skip the merchant program and opt for a FOREX program as part of his coin offering.

    If he was smart, he would lay low and stay away from anything to do with crypto-currency. But then that would be if he was smart. By launching his own crypto-currency kind of gives us our answer doesn't it. Some never learn.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

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  19. #791
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    Information is trickling out about Simon Le's OC clone. It seems he is targeting the Vietnamese community and all the info available seems to be only in Vietnamese.

    He is calling his program OneLink/OneLinkcoin (onelinknetwork.com). From what we can tell at quick glance it’s more or less the same as DagCoin, with a flashy ecosystem, sketchy mobile app and overhyped decentralized blockchain etc.. Onecoin cultists are actively jumping off the sinking ship over to the new one, following their leaders. According to Vietnamese telling about it, Simon Le is touting the decentralized blockchain over centralized, corruption-prone Onecoin that he used to swear by his heart to be the future of a financial revolution. Funny how that works isn't it when you start your own fake crypto-currency. Seems he is staying in the background and letting mid-level former OC'ers take the lead. Seems a lot of Vietnamese aren't too happy with Simon Le for jumping the OC ship after claiming he was going to save it.

    I get the feeling he is testing the waters in Vietnam to see how well it is received before branching out to other countries. So far there is no English translation of the comp plan, but you can bet Oz will do a review once it is available. Simon better hope that he has not ticked off the wrong people because they could come after him. It definitely going to be interesting to see how this all plays out.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  20. #792
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    There was a moment when I had hoped that Simon Le had seen the light after being initially conned by OneCoin into joining. Since it wasn't long before he was considered an insider, he had to know that OC was a total lie and fake.

    When it was announced that he was appointed Captain of the new OC, there was a slim chance he was really going to try and make OC legal. Of course the big obstacle in trying to make OC legal was the fact it was never legal and its reputation was shot. There were stories that he was trying to get Veska to change the name so they could start fresh, which hopefully meant the new company would start out legal. When that failed, it was certain that there would never be an attempt to make OC legal. It was just more smoke and mirrors to delude the faithful things had changed when they hadn't.

    With the announcement that Simon was launching his own coin OneLink/OneLinkCoin the question was will he do it legally or will this just be another clone of OC and a Ponzi? Now that the comp plan is available, and more information is known about the new company, it is clear this is just another crypto-currency Ponzi.

    The only thing Simon Le learned is how to con more people but this time by running the program rather than just promoting it. The story was that Simon had some kind of immunity deal with the US Authorities and that's why he had not been arrested. Well, if he did, that's out the window now with the launch of his new OneLink/OneLinkCoin. I never believed he had a deal of any kind with the US Authorities. They just weren't ready to act yet.

    Nothing like stealing from the same community twice is there Simon Le! You had better worry about the Vietnamese Authorities because there are a lot of Vietnamese that are going to be reporting you, and this time they may take action. I am confident that you are on their watch list, and rightfully so. Now the question is are you in Vietnam or hiding out in Dubai?
    Last edited by EagleOne; 05-28-2020 at 10:02 AM.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  21. #793
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    Well, well, well, it seems Tom McMurrain finally saw the light. He made a YouTube video where he admits OC was a scam. Never mind that he continued to promote OC 6 months after the Macau Event, which he says is when he realized that OC was a scam and Ruja had lied. All of this while at the same time pitching his fake crypto-currency. Gotta love it. Funny how after criticizing all of us "haters" for being ignorant, didn't know what we were talking about, and all the other negative comments for all of us he now realizes we were right.

    I especially liked how he tried to minimize and sanitize his role in OC. Guess he's afraid he's next for the US Authorities to arrest. Especially since he is a prior felon for running a Ponzi. If you want to take a look, here's his video: YouTube
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

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  23. #794
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    There have been a lot of things happening since Simon Le jumped the OC ship and sailed off to start his own crypto-coin Ponzi. The COVID-19 virus has forced the major DealShaker events to be done online instead of live events, which has been a blessing in disguise. It has prevented large number of merchants and individuals from being conned into joining. But the internal turmoil has not stopped.

    It seems that King Jayms and Fred Fok (real name Fok Fook Seng) have had a falling out and Fred and his wife were removed as country managers for China. Now what is interesting about this move was that Fred was the one who created the sales and marketing plan that was getting merchants to join OC and continue the ruse of this being a legitimate company and OC was a real crypto-currency.

    Now the only question is how long before Fred and his wife announce their departure from OC. Some are saying they have already left but it hasn't been announced yet. Based on information I have they have not left the company, at least not yet. I do believe they will leave, but it remains to be seen how long before they do.

    The webinars are not doing well. The number of people watching now has fallen off dramatically, the number of new merchants signing up has fallen dramatically from the live events, and of course the same thing for the number of new people joining. As with any Ponzi cult-like mentality, you have to be face-to-face to successfully recruit people. You need the hype built up in the room to get people to join. None of this is happening with the webinars no matter how hard they try. Ponzi's need live events to be successful and keep the momentum going. Videos and webinars are just supporting tools. They can't carry the water like live events do.

    There also seems to be internal strife between Veska, Ruja's mother, having taken over the company versus how much cash she wants to spend to try to continue making the company look like it is real. She wants the new enrollee's to cover those costs, not for her to have to spend already stolen money to keep the company afloat. So it has fallen on King Jayms to make that happen. But by removing Fred and his wife as country managers for China. Fred's big contribution was he speaks Chinese and thus was more credible to the audience than those needing translators when presenting.

    What is even more funny is that after King Jayms made this big speech about how the new leadership would not lie to the members, King Jayms has been caught making several lies, and wasn't too happy about being called out on it. One of the lies that King Jayms got caught out on telling was when he said the blockchain was receiving an upgrade to handle the increase in the number of coins being mined, and then later said it was a whole new blockchain. He is losing his "cool" and always upbeat positive spiel of his. In short, his true colors are coming out. People are starting to realize he is nothing more than a big bag of wind and this is all smoke and mirrors.

    When it was announced that OC would be upping the number of their coins to 250 Billion, it was not received well. It has been rumored that this is one of the reasons why Simon Le jumped ship. It goes against what Ruja said when the raised the number of coins to 120 Billion that this was the final amount that could be mined. Of course they had to up the number because Ruja had said that once OC had mined 80% of their allotted coins they would go public. This is why they said that there would not be an exchange until there were 1 million merchants in DealShaker and 10 million members when the new management team took over. Then they realized that they were approaching the 80% bench mark of their pretend coins would soon be reached, so they bumped the number to 250 Billion coins to buy themselves more time.

    Now the Italian leaders have come up with a new MasterCard debit card for DealShaker. Not going to go into all the details of it, but will just say it too is all smoke and mirrors and not what the membership is being told it is and will do what they claim it will do. It is nothing more for a way for the Italian leaders to steal even more money to make up for the zero value of their worthless OC's.

    Then if all of this wasn't enough, OC has announced that they are doing an auction of a yacht (read Ruja's yacht), 2 apartments in Dubai (read Ruja's Dubai apartments), BMW, laptops and smartphones. Of course they don't mention that the yacht and apartments are Ruja's. Maybe one reason is that they are possible forfeiture items to be named at a later date by the US Authorities. On the other, with all the still believer's of Ruja's dream, it could be a massive selling point as I am sure there are those who would love to own what Ruja owned. Of course they won't realize they were all bought with OC"s money, and not Ruja's money. At last notice, the tickets are not selling well. King Jayms is going overboard pushing the sale of the tickets. The big raffle is set for the Romanian event in August. Only two questions remain for this to happen: 1. Will OC fully collapse before this event, or 2. If ticket sales don't go well (there is a set number of tickets that must be bought for the raffle to take place in each category) will they postpone this raffle to another future event? My bet is on the total collapse before August.

    As you can see, the scamming never stops with this crowd.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  24. #795
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    Konstantin was supposed to have his sentencing hearing tomorrow (7/8), but it has been delayed 4 months. This is because Sebastian's trial has been delayed and they need Konstantin testifying at his trial. A lot of disappointed people that his sentencing is not happening tomorrow, but even if it had happened, it would have no impact on the current so-called leadership of OC continuing to steal more money from gullible OC'ers. It is all fake news as far as they are concerned. They can only focus on the "future." King Jayms is promising that OC will, and I quote: "I want to bring some information clearly across to you, to help you understand the financial opportunity that’s involved in this process for you, to help you understand how in the next 12-18 whatever money you would have made in OneLife, you are going to "TRIPLE" it."

    Talk about living in a fantasy world. So much for his always telling the "truth" to the members BS he spouted back in January when the new management was announced that has now been reduced to just him. Fred and Simon Le are gone. One can only hope that when Sebastian's trial is over, they go after King Jayms, Simon Le, Fred Fok, and Veska Ignatov for their role in trying to continue this Ponzi. I think Irina Dilkinska is one of the 4 sealed indictments, at least I hope so.

    Fred Fok was found guilty by a Singapore Court for his role in OneCoin and fined $71,700 US Dollars. One of the reasons why he has virtually disappeared from view promoting OC. Also why King Jayms stripped him of his leadership position prior to this news becoming public. While King Jayms keeps the lying machine going full blast, OC if falling down around his ears. Not a lot of success, enthusiasm, excitement for the upcoming auction. Ticket sales are abysmal and they are doing everything they can to try and pump them up to no avail. Hopefully the members are finally starting to see through all the BS and lies and realize OC is dead and there never, ever was any coins being mined. Time will tell.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

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  26. #796
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    Two OneCoin promoters have been found in dead in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. The bodies of Oscar Brito Ibarra and Ignacio Ibarra (no relation), were stuffed into suitcases and dumped in a vacant lot. An examination determined suffocation as the cause of death. Local Mexican authorities are treating the deaths as homicide and an investigation is underway.

    in order to convince people to invest, Brito had to pitch them on OneCoin’s failed ecommerce platform, DealShaker. Brito partnered up with a small group of Chilean OneCoin affiliates, and together they promoted the scam across Argentina, Brazil and Colombia. At the end of 2019, Brito learned of the Latin American Automotive Marketing Company (CLA). CLA operated in Argentina and Colombia. The company’s business model saw it accept cryptocurrency as payment for cars.
    Brito is believed to have traveled to Argentina to meet CLA representative Cristian Cabrera. The idea was to get CLA to accept OneCoin and promote its service on DealShaker. In February 2020, Cabrera and another CLA representative, Ignacio Ibarra, traveled to Chile to promote the scheme.

    Brito continued to promote the CLA Dealshaker scheme with Ignacio Ibarra. On June 20th Brito and Ibarra traveled to Mazatlan, Sinaloa. The exact reason for the trip is unclear, although people Brito was in contact claim “they were sent by CLA to attract clients.” A few days later, the bodies of Brito and Ibarra were found.

    You can read more of this story at behindMLM.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

  27. #797
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    A little back story: Gilbert Armenta, a resident of Florida, was a key figure in OneCoin’s money laundering operations. He was also romantically linked to OneCoin’s founder, Ruja Ignatova. The story goes that Gilbert was to divorce his wife, Ruja to divorce her husband, and the two would be married. Seems Ruja didn’t buy Armenta was going to divorce his wife, so she had his apartment in Florida bugged. It was then she found out he was cooperating with the FBI and soon after she disappeared.

    Now to Gilbert Armenta and his arrest, cooperation with the Feds and violating his plea agreement with the Feds: On September 12th, 2017, Armenta was indicted by a Grand Jury on three counts of extortion; conspiracy to commit extortion, attempted extortion and travel act extortion. Armenta was arrested in Connecticut the following day on September 13th. At his hearing held in New York on September 18th, Armenta’s bail was set at $5 million dollars. Armenta was ordered to stay in Manhattan with a 6pm curfew and GPS monitoring. His passport and those belonging to his adult children were also surrendered.

    Armenta’s initial plea to the criminal charges against him was not guilty. On January 24th 2018, the DOJ filed a superseding indictment adding additional criminal charges. Armenta now faced five counts: conspiracy to commit wire fraud; conspiracy to commit money laundering (three counts); and conspiracy to commit extortion. As alleged by the DOJ: Gilbert Armenta assisted in the execution of the OneCoin scheme by: (a) coordinating the opening of OneCoin Ltd. depository bank accounts … at banks located in Mexico and South America; (b) establishing and administering OneCoin “pool accounts” at various international banks; (c) introducing one or more principals of the OneCoin scheme to an online reputation company for the purpose of removing from the internet negative information about OneCoin Ltd.; (d) transmitting OneCoin Ltd. fund to pay recruitment commissions to OneCoin members who recruited new OneCoin members, as well as to pay refunds to dissatisfied OneCoin members; and (e) transmitting OneCoin Scheme proceeds through bank accounts located in the United States and abroad, and making various misrepresentations to banks regarding the source of the funds, for the purpose of laundering the OneCoin scheme proceeds.

    With respect to extortion, the DOJ alleged Armenta agreed with others to use threats of physical harm to attempt to collect payment through international wire transfer from an individual in the United Kingdom who they believed had stolen business proceeds originally intended for international wire transfer. The individual in question is not named.

    The same day the superseding indictment was filed, Armenta pled guilty to all five counts. We know through testimony that Armenta opted to cooperate with the FBI following his arrest in September 2017. Nothing was filed in Armenta’s case from March 27th, 2018 until April 2020. It was assumed by all of us that he was cooperating with the authorities for a reduced sentence. On April 29th 2020, the DOJ requested Armenta’s case be unsealed. It is believed this signaled the end of his cooperation with US authorities.

    On May 29th Armenta’s sentencing was scheduled for July 23rd. Citing COVID-19 and claiming he was suffering from “uncertainty and stress”, on July 7th Armenta requested his sentencing hearing be conducted via video conference. The uncertainty and stress that Mr. Armenta and his family have been living with has been agonizing. Mr. Armenta has been in home detention for over three months, following eight months in detention at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (the “MCC”). Further delaying his sentencing, possibly indefinitely depending on the pandemic’s progression, only exacerbates the anxiety and torment that Mr. Armenta is experiencing.

    The DOJ responded in opposition to Armenta’s motion the same day. The DOJ revealed that with respect to violating his cooperation agreement, Armenta had used his companies to engage in additional criminal activity while subject to the terms of a cooperation agreement with the Government. In their argument against a video conference hearing (which increased the probability of the scheduled date being kept), the DOJ argued there are no specific reasons that sentencing in this case cannot be further delayed without serious harm to the interests of justice. The complexity of the case in support of an in-person hearing was also brought up. On July 8th the court denied Armenta’s video conference request. The Court said, “defendant provides no specific reasons to find that further delay would cause serious harm to the interest of justice,” therefore the application is denied.

    The DOJ letter to the court revealed that in July 2019 Armenta was remanded back into custody. The DOJ alleges Armenta violated his cooperation agreement. In December 2019 the DOJ informed Armenta they would not be providing him with a Section 5K1.1 letter. A Section 5K1.1 letter states to the court that because the defendant has provided substantial assistance in the investigation or prosecution of another person who has committed an offense, the court may depart from (sentencing) guidelines. Because of his own actions Armenta’s cooperation with US authorities, as far as his own self-interests went, was for naught.

    So what did Gilbert Armenta do that violated his cooperation agreement with the Feds? Because of the bail conditions imposed on Mr. Armenta when he was released from the MCC, he can “have no involvement in running or managing any business entity, or involvement in any financial transaction associated with any business entity.” Well, it seems that Gilbert in July 2019 founded “ESOL B.V LLC” company in Florida with his long-time partner Giselle Valentin. He owned a company in Netherlands with the same name (drimble.nl/bedrijf/amstelveen/32973667/esol-bv.html) that in late 2015 he used to acquire Georgian JSC Capital bank for Ruja. But due to the large extent OneCoin related criminality, it is likely this is why the bank lost its license and went bust.

    So he started a new business which his co-operation agreement barred him from participating in or have any involvement with in violation of his agreement. Just like Mark Scott, these people don’t believe the law applies to them. Guess he liked being in jail and is looking forward to a long, long, long prison sentence.
    And just think: He was one of the brilliant masterminds with the genius Ruja Ignatova running OneCoin, but it wasn’t a Ponzi (cough, cough). And people bought the lie they were all brilliant and geniuses running OC. Instead it was just your typical criminal mind at work.

    Armenta is currently scheduled for in-person sentencing on October 21st, 2020.
    Last edited by EagleOne; 07-28-2020 at 01:51 PM.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

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  29. #798
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    Upcoming court dates:

    Sebastian Greenwood pretrial: August 7 at 9:00 a.m
    David Pike guilty plea hearing: October 8 at 11 AM
    Mark Scott sentencing: October 9 at 11 AM
    Gilbert Armenta sentencing: October 21 at 10 AM
    Konstantin Ignatov sentencing control: November 11 at 3:30 PM

    This Friday is going to be a very interesting court hearing. Will be interesting to see how it turns out.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

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  31. #799
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    They're back. Listen to Episode 9 - Follow the Money from Jamie Bartlett and Georgia Catt: BBC Sounds - The Missing Cryptoqueen, Episode 9: Follow the money This is a good recap of some history of OC to catch everyone up since it has been so long since the last original series aired. More episodes coming in the following weeks, and I expect them to get into more of what has transpired since the last broadcast of almost a year ago. Some great opening teases, but listen for yourself.

    The only thing I disagreed with was criminal psychologist Dr. Julia Shaw when she said she didn't think Ruja was bad, but just things got out of her control. I think she is totally bad, and a cold calculating well it rhymes with witch. This is a family forum after all. She knew exactly what she was doing and I agree it did grow beyond her wildest imagination, but she was out to steal as much money as she could and did.
    Last edited by EagleOne; 08-07-2020 at 04:04 PM.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

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  33. #800
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    Re: onecoin.eu ponzi scam

    The pre-trial hearing of Sebastian Greenwood was held yesterday and no legal surprises from the hearing. Due to the fact that Sebastian's current attorney had not had that much time to prepare, and limited access to his client, they agreed to adjourn until October 5.

    One surprising statement that did come out of the hearing was Sebastian's attorney claiming it was a $15 Billion Dollar Ponzi, not the $4.6 Billion Dollar Ponzi the US authorities had said was the amount. Personally I have always thought the total amount stolen was in the $14 Billion to $18 Billion Dollar range, not the $4.6 Billion cited by the US authorities. Heck I think the Chinese had over $4 Billion Dollars in OC. It will be interesting to see if the US authorities change their number as to the size of OC's total take.

    Today is supposed to be the day of David Pike's guilty plea hearing. Not sure if the date was right or not, but we will soon know. If not today, then possibly on Monday. That should also be an eye-opener of a hearing. Stay tuned, as this is just starting to get interesting. Toss in new episodes of The Missing Crypto-Queen and it will make for an exciting August.

    Actually David Pike's guilty plea hearing has now been set for October 8, not August 8 as I had mentioned above.
    Last edited by EagleOne; 08-09-2020 at 01:03 PM.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com


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